Lentil and rice-stuffed baby eggplants

Lentil and Rice Stuffed Baby Eggplants | Pamela Salzman

Lentil and Rice Stuffed Baby Eggplants | Pamela Salzman

I had a dream the other night that I was swept away by a strong current of water and I was being pulled quickly down a stream.  My head was above water, barely, but I could not neither stop the raging rapids nor could I find a way out of the water.  And then I saw the sign, “Welcome to September.”   Seriously, this month has been a whirlwind, a blur.  My three kids started school (three different schools, mind you), I cooked and cooked for the Jewish holidays which came very early this year, I resumed teaching cooking classes four days a week, soccer season started and two of my kids have September birthdays.  I told Mr. Picky that his birthday party, as usual, would be in October.  Can I ask you people a question?  How do you do it all?  I am in awe!

slice from the bottom of the eggplant leaving the stem intact


scoop out the flesh of the eggplant

Quite honestly, the only area of my life where I am organized is food.   I sit down every Sunday night and plan my meals and grocery list for the whole week.  If I didn’t do that, I can guarantee we’d be eating cereal and not-homemade almond milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or at least meals that could be prepared at the last minute.  And whereas there are a lot of fabulous quickies out there, I would hate to miss out on a recipe like this one here.

this is your stuffing mixture

Lentil and rice-stuffed baby eggplant will never win an award for fastest dish in the West, but it’s also not that complicated either and it is mighty, mighty tasty.  In fact, it is one of my favorite vegetarian entrees.  I only make it in summer and early fall when I can find these adorable baby eggplants, sometimes referred to as Italian eggplants, Baby Bells or bambino eggplants.  So cute!  By the way, eggplants contain many heart-healthy nutrients including dietary fiber, folate, Vitamins B3 and B6, magnesium and potassium.  Eggplant is also rich in many phytonutrients and antioxidants which are important for reducing free radical formation and preventing cellular damage.  However, eggplant is a member of the nightshade family of vegetables which also includes tomatoes, potatoes and peppers.  Nightshades can aggravate nerve-related or inflammatory health conditions, such as arthritis.  Just good to know.

Finish cooking on the stove, covered

My family loves this dish, although Mr. Picky will only eat the rice and lentil mixture from the inside.  No problem.  The recipe that inspired this one was a meat and rice-stuffed eggplant, which is good, but I like this veggie version much more.  I almost always do this dish ahead or in stages, so at the end of the day all I have to do is put it back on the stove to simmer and cook through.  You can prep all the ingredients in advance and then sauté and cook everything later.  Or you can go so far as to stuff the eggplant and refrigerate everything in the pan until the end of the day.  Keep in mind this recipe calls for uncooked white rice because uncooked brown rice wouldn’t cook properly inside the eggplant.  If you wanted to use brown rice, you will have to precook it.  Use 1/2 cup raw or 1 1/2 cups cooked.  You can also use precooked lentils and this recipe is much quicker.

Lentil and Roce-Stuffed Baby Eggplants | Pamela Salzman

I have even eaten this eggplant the next day as a cold or room temperature leftover and it is delicious.  I hope you try this one!

Lentil and Rice Stuffed Baby Eggplants | Pamela Salzman

Lentil and Rice-Stuffed Baby Eggplants

Pamela, inspired by epicurious
Servings 6


  • ½ cup uncooked black or French lentils or 1 ½ cups COOKED
  • 6 6- to 7-inch long small Italian eggplants (about 7-8 ounces each)
  • ¼ cup unrefined cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 Tablespoons pine nuts
  • 1 large onion finely chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves finely chopped
  • 1 pound fresh tomatoes peeled, seeded and diced or boxed/canned with juice
  • 2 cups chicken stock or vegetable stock
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons sea salt divided
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • ½ cup uncooked long-grain white rice I like basmati
  • 3 Tablespoons golden raisins
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ¾ teaspoon ground allspice
  • a few tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley for garnish optional, but pretty
  • ½ lemon


  • Bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil and add the uncooked lentils and a healthy pinch of salt. Simmer 20 minutes and drain. Skip this step if you use cooked lentils.
  • Slice a sliver off the bottom of each eggplant and discard. Using a melon baller, a mini ice cream scooper or a small metal measuring spoon, hollow out each eggplant while keeping the skin intact. Reserve scooped out eggplant flesh, if desired.
  • In a large 12-inch skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Fry the pine nuts until golden, about 1 minute. Do not walk away from the pan! Transfer with a slotted spoon to a bowl.
  • Sauté onion and garlic in the skillet until tender, about 6-8 minutes. Transfer ½ cup of onion mixture to the bowl with the pine nuts. To the skillet add the tomatoes, a little of the reserved eggplant flesh if you want, stock, 1 teaspoon sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer while you stuff the eggplants.
  • Add cooked lentils, rice, raisins, cumin, allspice, 1 ¼ teaspoon salt and black pepper to taste to the bowl with the onions and pine nuts. Combine well. Stuff the mixture into the eggplants and transfer the stuffed eggplants to the skillet (along with any unstuffed filling). You don’t have to fill the eggplants to the top since the stuffing will expand a bit. Simmer, covered, carefully turning once (if you remember), until everything is cooked through, 50 – 60 minutes.
  • Squeeze lemon over everything and sprinkle with parsley.


You can substitute ¾ lb. ground beef or lamb for the lentils. If using grass-fed beef, add a few tablespoons of olive oil to the meat mixture, otherwise it will be too dry.
You can also use this mixture to stuff halved bell peppers.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


Overnight Refrigerator Oat and Chia Porridge Recipe

overnight refrigerator oat and chia porridge | pamela salzman

I know not all my dear readers and cooking class students have children, and therefore are not likely submerged chin-deep in back-to-school chaos right now.  You lucky ducks.  I have three kids in three different schools and I can’t keep track of all the back-to-school nights and picture days.  And it’s only September!  I’ve got my priorities straight though.  Mr. Picky hasn’t had a haircut in three months, but I’ve got a freezer full of blueberry-banana bread and vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough.  Yes, ma’am.

chia seeds, then rolled oats

The point I was actually trying to get to is that these most recent posts aren’t just meant for those whose Monday-Fridays are considered “school days.”  I’d like to think all the recipes I post are relevant to anyone trying to eat well.  And one thing we all have in common these days, whether you have kids or not, is lack of time.  Unfortunately, I don’t think little old me is going to change that.

what it looks like before refrigerating

I used to think that it was silly for me to post recipes with 3 ingredients, that take 30 seconds to make, and that have probably been pinned more than a certain VMA performance has been viewed.  (Sorry for the reminder.)  But then my students plead with me, “we want more 30 second recipes!”  So if you haven’t been introduced to raw chia and oat porridge, and at least one person on instagram asked for the recipe last week when I posted a picture of my breakfast, here it is!  I probably eat this 3-4 times a week from July through October, because it is a refrigerated dish and slightly cooling so it’s better for you during the warmer months.  It is super healthful since the oats are soaked overnight, which makes them much more digestible.  On its own, this is a well-balanced breakfast with protein, fiber, complex carbs and high quality fat.  But we usually add either fresh or dried fruit to it.   And like I said, it is a cinch to make, almost disappointingly easy.  But this time of year, I’ve got nothing to prove.  Enjoy!

overnight refrigerator oat and chia porridge | pamela salzman

Overnight Refrigerator Oat and Chia Porridge

4.50 from 2 votes


  • 2 Tablespoons chia seeds I like Barleans
  • 1 cup rolled oats look for certified gluten-free oats to make this a gluten-free recipe
  • 2 cups almond milk preferably homemade, or milk of choice
  • sweetener of choice to taste if desired


  • Place chia seeds and oats in a 4-cup container. Pour almond milk and sweetener, if using, over mixture and stir to combine, making sure to break up any clumps of chia seeds.
  • Cover and refrigerate at least 6 hours or overnight so the mixture has time to thicken. Stir before serving.
  • This will last as long as your almond milk, meaning if you use homemade almond milk, this porridge will only stay fresh a few days.


I usually use date-sweetened almond milk and no other sweetener, or unsweetened almond milk and a couple drops of stevia.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Almond Butter-Millet Blondies Recipe (gluten-free)

almond butter-millet blondies | pamela salzman

We have survived the first week and a half of school and an early Jewish holiday!  I started this year right by having my girls order their own school supplies and Mr. Picky helped me out by writing out a list of lunch box-approved foods.  Not sure we’ve expanded the repertoire since last year, but at least I don’t have to think too hard.  I am also so glad I was inspired to bake and freeze a few treats before school started this year.  Those are coming in very handy for lunchbox and after-school snacks.  Plus it has been so hot here, I can’t imagine turning on my oven to bake banana bread right now!


These Almond Butter-Millet Blondies are a new favorite around here.  Don’t automatically say “my kids would never eat those!”  Guess what?  Your kids were probably at my house in the last 6 months and did eat these.  Did I say, “Jimmy, would you like an almond butter-millet blondie?”  What am I, a rookie?  Of course, not.  I ask the kids, “would you like a chocolate chip blondie?!”  Only people that do not like chocolate ever say no.

wet ingredients

Blondies are similar to a non-chocolate brownie.  They are less spongy and a little denser than cake.  I love them right out of the fridge so you can really sink your teeth into them.  Because blondies don’t have the same lift and airiness of a cake, I tried these with two gluten-free flours, millet and quinoa.  Even if you’re not gluten-intolerant, it’s a great idea to not overdo wheat and other gluten-containing grains.  Gluten is not only hard to digest, but acid-forming and pro-inflammatory.

ready to be baked

The quinoa blondies were not a hit because they totally tasted like quinoa.  I love quinoa, but not as much in dessert form.  Millet is much blander and really has no flavor to fight with chocolate.  My kids and I had no idea the millet blondies weren’t made with wheat flour.   I also tried the recipe separately with peanut butter and almond butter and not only were they both delicious, the blondies kind of tasted the same, as in both tasted a bit like peanut butter.  Even though I give my kids peanut butter now and then, it’s actually not a fantastic choice.  The fats in peanut butter are very pro-inflammatory and if you don’t buy organic, you are also consuming a lot of pesticides and fungicides since peanuts are very heavily sprayed.  Even organic peanuts have a tendency to develop a mold called aflotoxin.  In moderation, fine, but almond butter is far and away a better, more healthful choice.  Did you know almonds are the only alkalizing nut?  And if you have a solid food processor, you can make your own almond butter!

almond butter - millet blondies

These blondies are awesome the next day, which is so nice if you have to bring a dessert to a potluck.  If you have leftovers more than a couple days, it’s best to keep them in the fridge.  And if you have no self control like me, you may want to just keep out what you need for the day and freeze the rest.  Happy baking!

almond butter-millet blondies | pamela salzman

Almond Butter-Millet Blondies

Pamela, inspired by Eating Well Magazine


  • ¼ cup 4 Tablespoons unsalted butter or organic Earth Balance, softened + additional for greasing pan
  • ¾ cup creamy or crunchy almond butter or other natural nut butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • ¾ cup coconut palm sugar or brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • ¾ cup millet flour*
  • 1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • ¾ cup semisweet chocolate chips


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8-inch square baking pan with butter and line the bottom with parchment paper so that the bars are easy to take out.
  • Beat butter and almond butter in a mixing bowl with an electric mixer until creamy. Beat in eggs, coconut sugar and vanilla until smooth.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the millet flour, baking powder and salt. Mix the flour mixture into the wet ingredients until just combined. Stir in chocolate chips. Spread the batter evenly into the prepared pan.
  • Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out with just a few moist crumbs on it, about 25 minutes. Let cool in the pan for at least 45 minutes before cutting into 16 squares. Leftovers can stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. These also freeze beautifully.


*Look for millet flour in the baking section or near gluten-free flours. Or, to make your own, grind whole grains of millet into a powder in a clean coffee grinder.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Tex-Mex Tofu Scramble Recipe

Tex-Mex Tofu Scramble | Pamela Salzman

I haven’t posted too many recipes with tofu because I am on the fence about it.  Unfermented soy, which includes tofu,  is not very easy to digest.  On the other hand, fermented tofu, such as tempeh, miso, shoyu and tamari have all been innoculated with a good bacteria, which has started the digestion process for you, in a way.  Then there’s the controversy about soy, fermented or not, and the presence of phytoestrogens which mimic estrogen in the body and can cause disruptions in a woman’s natural processes.  Lastly, most of the soy in this country is genetically-modified, the safety of which is debated.  Personally, I think genetically-modified foods are about as natural as and I don’t think they have been around long enough for us to really know what the long-term side effects are.  See why I’m kind of not super gung-ho about tofu?

saute onions and peppers

That said, I do occasionally eat tofu and fermented soy products, most often as a condiment and always organic, which implies non-GMO.  I recently found a sprouted, organic tofu at my local Whole Foods by Wildwood Organics.  Sprouting is a process that makes the soybean more digestible and increases availability of nutrients.  This is a big plus to me.  Whereas some people think that tofu is not a highly processed food, I don’t think it looks much like a soybean and that makes me think otherwise.  But I do like the idea of a sprouted tofu, so on the rare occasions I eat tofu, it’s this one.

making the tofu mixture

This scrambled tofu dish was really popular when I taught it in a breakfast class I did a few months ago.  The idea is to create a scramble that resembles eggs, which this most definitely does.  What’s wrong with eggs?  Absolutely nothing.  Unless you are either allergic to eggs, vegan, adversely affected by foods high in dietary cholesterol, or you are a 9-year-old who goes by the nickname “Mr. Picky.”  And there are a lot of you out there who fit in there somewhere, so I thought this would be a fun way to enjoy your “eggs!”  The tofu, which is nice and soft, is crumbled and then tinted with a little turmeric to turn the color a beautiful yellow.  You also add a little nutritional yeast for flavor and it’s the closest thing you’ll ever come to scrambled not-eggs.  I found nutritional yeast, also referred to as nutritional yeast flakes, in Whole Foods, both in the bulk bins and packaged in bags.  Nutritional yeast is NOT the same yeast for baking bread or brewer’s yeast.  It actually grows on the outside of sugarcane and molasses plants and is a good source of Vitamin B12, which is almost impossible to find from non-animal sources.  It has a little bit of a cheesy flavor and goes nicely on popcorn, just FYI.

Tex-Mex Tofu Scramble | Pamela Salzman

Although I am partial to anything in a tortilla, especially if salsa and guacamole are involved, I would also make this with spinach and mushrooms or chives and herbs.  And it’s actually doable for a fast weekday breakfast if you prep in advance. (Just read the notes in the recipe to learn how.)  Prepping in advance is my life.  Hoping you all got off on the right foot to start off the new school year!  Don’t forget to check out my Instagram page and Facebook for weekly lunch and daily dinner ideas!  Nothing fancy, just keeping it real.

Tex-Mex Tofu Scramble | pamela salzman

Tex-Mex Tofu Scramble Recipe

Pamela, adapted from "True Food," by Andrew Weil
Servings 4


  • 2 14- ounce containers extra-firm tofu I like Wildwood Organics, crumbled
  • ¼ cup nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric gives the scramble a yellow color
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 2 Tablespoons unrefined cold-pressed olive oil, divided
  • 1 small onion diced
  • ½ red bell pepper diced
  • 1 medium tomato diced
  • Suggested accompaniments: sprouted or whole grain tortillas sliced avocado or guacamole, chopped fresh cilantro, sliced scallions


  • In a large bowl, mix together the tofu, yeast flakes, salt, cumin, turmeric and black pepper.
  • Heat 1 Tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium heat.  Add the onion and red pepper and sauté until the onion is tender and translucent.  Add the tofu mixture.  Mix until well combined. You can do all of this the night before and keep refrigerated.
  • Cook the tofu scramble until heated through and slightly golden brown.  Fold in the tomato.
  • Serve warm with desired accompaniments or rolled up in a tortilla for a breakfast burrito.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!



Avocado Toast

perfect avocado toast | pamela salzman

A perfect avocado completes me.  I have a mild obsession with them.  If you gave me a choice between mashed avocado on a piece of toast or an ice cream sandwich, I honestly wouldn’t even think twice about it!  I am more addicted to avocados than I ever was to sugar.  Hmmm, ok maybe not completely true.  But I have a healthier relationship with avocados.  Right now is my favorite time of year, because I’ve got all my besties — tomatoes, peaches, figs, corn, basil and Reed avocados.  What’s a Reed avocado?  If you don’t know the answer, I already feel sorry for you that you haven’t experienced the mother of all avocados.  In my humble opinion, Reeds are TOPS, at least in this country.  My mother-in-law often reminisces about avocados from her native Puerto Rico and I have a student from Mexico who thinks that hers are the best.  I think they’re both just feeling nostalgic, because I don’t know how you can beat a Reed.

amazing Reed avocados

Just look at them!  They’re as big as softballs with a generous ratio of meat to pit and soooooooo creamy and rich.  Sinful!  But they’re not, because avocados are amazingly good for you.  Perfect, untouched, non-oxidized, healthful fats, plus fiber and loads of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.  Avocados are an incredible food for little ones whose brains are developing.  And I think they’re an awesome beauty food — so great for your skin.  Also, this happens to be a drying time of year, especially for the lungs and wouldn’t you know avocados are lubricating to the lungs, as well as to the intestines.  Love it.

How to Cut an Avocado


How to scoop an avocado from its shell

I have so many recipes on my site which use avocados, from salads to dressings to soups to smoothies.  But my favorite way to eat an avocado is on toast.  The contrast between soft and buttery avocado and crunchy toast makes me swoon.  Ditch your Saturday morning bagel and cream cheese and go this route on a good whole grain bread.  Delicious and so much better for you!  There are lots of ways I prepare avocado toast and I posted a few images here.  Most of the time, I eat this for breakfast either on spelt or millet toast.  But it’s also the perfect afternoon snack for you or your kids.  The fat in avocados really keeps you satisfied for so much longer than a popsicle or a bags of chips.  Not that you eat that, but if you did, avocado toast is a way better snack.  Right now, I’m buying Reeds at the farmers market 3 for $5 and I have also seen them in Whole Foods for $2.50 each.  I’ve been suckered by some markets with their $.69 avocados, and 90% of the time, they’re horrible.  That feeling of slicing into an avocado that looks like it should be good and then isn’t is THE WORST!

Avocado with Wild Smoked Salmon

My advice to you is buy your avocados underripe and allow them to ripen on the countertop.  If you try to buy them already ripe at the store, they’ve been squeezed a thousand times and that’s why they’ll have mushy brown spots when you open them.  Avocados are ripe when they give slightly to gentle pressure.  I have also found that when you remove the small dark stem from the top, if the color underneath is pale yellow, it’s ready!  Green means it’s underripe and brown or black means it’s going in the compost heap.  Once they are ripe, you can refrigerate them until you’re ready to eat them.  Keep in mind that the skin of Reed avocados stay perfectly green even when ripe, as opposed to Haas which turn dark brown/black.  And now the bad news.  Reed avocados are only in season from August through October so enjoy them while you can!

Avocado Toast with Tomato

Are you an avocado toast fan?  What’s your favorite combo?

avocado toast

There really isn’t a “recipe” for this, just a few of my favorite combinations.  I like a lot of avocado on my toast, but you may choose to have less.  Just go with whatever seems right to you.

Mashed or sliced avocado  on toasted or grilled bread with:

~a squeeze of lime, a drizzle of olive oil, a pinch of red chili flakes and a sprinkle of flaky sea salt.

~thinly sliced smoked wild salmon or lox and a squeeze of fresh lemon.

~sliced ripe tomato with a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of salt.  A drizzle of olive oil is good, too.

~a drop of shoyu or good quality soy sauce, a drizzle of toasted sesame oil and a sprinkle of sesame seeds or gomasio.

~a fried egg and a pinch of salt.  A sprinkle of chopped chives is nice, too.

Slow cooker apple pie steel cut oats recipe (stovetop version, too!)

slow cooker apple pie steel cut oats | pamela salzman

I feel like whining.  Nooooo, I don’t waaaaaaant school to start tomorrow.  I have to wake up so eaaaarrrrrly.  Ugggh.  And lunnnnnnches.  Ok.  I’m done.  Thanks for listening.

I think making breakfast, lunch and dinner during the school year is hard.  Sometimes I feel like I’m in a competition on a Food Network show.  Minutes to spare.  Limited ingredients.  Tough judges.  The pressure!  The fact is that I cannot wing it when school starts.  To feed my family and myself real food as much as possible, I need a plan.  I have one child leaving at 6:35 am, another at 7:20 am and my youngest leaves at 8:00 am.  To all of you who can pull together breakfast, lunch and dinner without so much as a list, I am in awe of you.  I consider myself a culinary quasi-professional and I cannot wake up on a Monday morning and open the fridge and say, “Hmmmm.  What should I make today?”  It stresses me out just thinking about doing that.

raw steel cut oats

Every Sunday night for 18 years, I have planned my meals for the week and I shop accordingly.  And every year I do one new thing to help me get a little better organized because every year my family seems to throw me a new challenge.  This year I think I’m going to do a breakfast schedule so I don’t have to think so much about that meal when I’m making my list.

Monday:  oatmeal or warm whole grain porridge (muesli in the warmer months)

Tuesday:  breakfast quesadilla or burrito

Wednesday: pancakes or waffles (homemade, silly)

Thursday: muffins, quick breads, or French toast or maybe oatmeal again

Friday:  frittata  or rice bake to use up leftover cooked vegetables from the week

I will always have homemade granola in the pantry, yogurt and nut butters in the fridge, stuff to make smoothies, and fresh fruit on the counter.  If one of the kids doesn’t want what I’ve made that day and chooses to make his or her own breakfast, I’ll believe it when I see it that would be lovely.  Here’s a previous post with more breakfast ideas.

place everything into the slow cooker

I’ve been making this slow cooker oatmeal for the last year and I couldn’t wait for it to be apple season again so I could share it with you.  We all love it!  Love!  It tastes like you stirred apple pie filling into your oats.  I like steel cut oats because they are so hearty and they take a little longer for your body to digest than rolled oats, so you get a longer-lasting energy.  There’s nothing wrong with making plain and simple oats for breakfast and setting out a bunch of delicious toppings, but this is so easy and it’s ready when you come into the kitchen in the morning.  Nothing else you need to do.  We love it as is, but if you don’t like raisins, you can leave them out.  But I encourage you to try it with the raisins because they plump up so beautifully and add a little extra sweetness to the oats.  You can also add more sweetener than I do, but again, try this as is because you can always add extra sweetener later.

what it looks like in the morning

If you don’t have a slow cooker, I have a post in the archives for stovetop overnight steel cut oats.  You bring everything up to a boil on the stovetop the night before, cover and turn off the heat.  I repeat, turn off the heat.  In the morning, just warm through and your oats will be perfect in a few minutes.  I don’t see why you couldn’t do this with this recipe.  And of course, you can do this the traditional way on the stovetop as well.  Just dump everything into the pot and cook.  No excuses on this one!!

I wish all of you an excellent beginning of school!

slow cooker apple pie steel cut oats

Slow Cooker Apple Pie Steel Cut Oats

Servings 4


  • 1 cup steel cut oats use certified gluten-free oats for GF oatmeal
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 apples peeled, cored, & cut into bite size pieces
  • 2 Tablespoons maple syrup you can use any sweetener you want
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • pinch of salt
  • ¼ cup raisins


  • Place the steel cut oats, water, apples, maple syrup, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and raisins into a slow cooker and cook on LOW heat for 5 hours. Actually, anywhere between 4 and 6 hours is fine. Most slow cookers have an automatic “WARM” setting so after it cooks, it will stay warm until you’re ready for it.
  • Stir well to combine before serving. I like to finish my oatmeal with a little homemade almond milk to thin it out a little. Yum!


I know it's tempting to leave the peel on the apples, but after they cook, the apples get soft and the peel stays tough.  Not so fun to eat!  To make this on the stovetop, see the last paragraph above.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

How To Make Dairy-free Ice Cream!

buttered pecan cashew ice "cream" (no milk or cream!) | pamela salzman

Did you notice the exclamation point in the title?  I need you to know how excited I am about this.  !!  I’ll confess right here that ice cream is probably my favorite food.  That I don’t eat.   Ice cream doesn’t agree with me, if I can get personal with you.  But I think this is definitely for the best because it’s just not good for you.  Pasteurized cow dairy + sugar + ice cold = digestive nightmare.  But just because I can’t eat ice cream doesn’t mean I don’t dream about it.  Yes, of course there are alternative “ice creams” made from soy or coconut.  But soy milk is something I avoid (way too processed and hard to digest) and most of the coconut frozen desserts taste like coconut, which I like, but not every time mixed with every flavor.  Just an FYI, you can take two cans of full-fat coconut milk, mix it with sweetener to taste plus a drop of vanilla extract and pour it into your ice cream maker and get coconut ice cream.   That’s the recipe right there!

blend the soaked cashews with other ingredients

But recently I saw a cashew-based ice cream at Whole Foods and a light bulb went off.  Of course!  Why didn’t I think of that?  I use raw cashews all the time in my classes to make non-dairy substitutions for my DF friends.  When you soak raw cashews and then blend them with a little water, you have the beginnings of lots of dairy-free possibilities.  I even made a cheesecake with blended raw cashews that was to die for.  I need to post that one day.  What’s great is that raw cashews are pretty bland tasting, unlike coconut which definitely has a pronounced flavor, even when mixed with other stuff.  Also, soaked, raw cashews are loaded with protein and much more digestible than pasteurized heavy cream and milk.  !!

pour pecans in at the end

I wasn’t sure if you all would be interested in knowing how to make dairy-free ice cream since I can’t assume everyone has an ice cream maker.  But after an unscientific poll on Facebook, it seemed like enough of you wanted to know.  I made three different cashew-based ice creams in the last month and I thought they were all great.  My kids had NO IDEA they were made from cashews.  And to take it one step further (better), I sweetened two of the ice creams with dates.  Dates!  This is an ice cream that is cashews blended with dates.  Are you freaking out right now?  You should beeeeeeee!



buttered pecan cashew ice "cream" | pamela salzman

The three flavors I made were Buttered Pecan (ok, technically not dairy-free because I used butter on the pecans, but you can use Earth Balance), Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Mint Chip.  I loved them all, but let me mention that although these are more digestible and arguably more healthful than regular ice cream, I wouldn’t say they’re low-fat or low-calorie.  And I’m sorry if you’re nut-free or cashew-intolerant because that’s the only way to go here.  I am posting the recipes for Buttered Pecan and Mint Chip and as soon as I find the scrap paper with my notes for the chocolate version I will revise this post and let you know!

mint chip dairy-free ice "cream" | pamela salzman

I’m just sorry that we may only have another month of warm weather and therefore not much time left for ice cream.  Make the most of what’s left of summer, friends.  Hope you enjoy this as much as we did!


dairy-free mint chip ice "cream" | pamela salzman

Cashew Ice Cream



  • Salted Butter Pecan:
  • 2 cups pecans
  • 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter or use Earth's Balance to make vegan
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt plus 1 teaspoon for pecans
  • 4 cups raw cashews soaked for at least three hours or overnight and
  • drained
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup Grade A maple syrup (or agave but I’m not a fan since it’s very
  • processed and high in fructose)
  • 4 vanilla beans split and scraped or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Mint Chip:
  • 4 cups raw cashews soaked for at least three hours or overnight and drained
  • 3 cups water
  • 20 pitted dates
  • 2 Tablespoons pure peppermint extract you may want to start out with 1 Tablespoon and taste the mixture before adding the second tablespoon in case your mint extract is stronger than mine.
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 cup mini chocolate chips or more to taste


  • Salted Butter Pecan:
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Melt the butter in a small saucepan and add the pecans, tossing to coat. Spread buttered pecans on baking sheet and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt. Bake for 6-8 minutes until toasted, but not burned. Set aside to cool.
  • Place cashews, water, maple syrup, vanilla and ½ teaspoon salt in a high-powered blender or food processor and process until very smooth.
  • Pour cashew mixture into ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's instructions. I use a Cuisinart ice cream maker.
  • Once the pecans are cooled, place them in a food processor and pulse to make small chunks (about the size of a chocolate chip, or smaller) or chop coarsely on a cutting board.
  • minutes before ice cream is finished, pour in the pecans.
  • Store in freezer in airtight container.
  • Mint Chip:
  • Place cashews, water, dates, salt and mint extract in a high-powered blender or food processor and process until very smooth.
  • Pour cashew mixture into ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's instructions.
  • minutes before ice cream is finished, add the chocolate chips.
  • Store in freezer in airtight container.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Blueberry-Banana Spelt Bread Recipe (gluten-free version too!)

blueberry-banana bread | pamela salzman

This year I am trying to get an early jump on the beginning of school.  I actually say that every year and I still end up in those ridiculous lines at Staples on the first day of school.  My oldest daughter is going into 12th grade (I am clutching my heart right now), so you would think that I had this thing down.  So not the case.  Until now.  I just figured out really late in the game that I need to outsource, meaning I need to delegate some of these tasks to other people.  No, I don’t all of a sudden have a staff of helpers at my disposal.  But I do have capable children that have waaaaaay more time on their hands than I do and they can navigate the internet like nobody’s business.  Why didn’t I think of this 10 years ago?

these are ripe bananas

The kids have just ordered their supplies, backpacks and lunch paraphernalia online and helped fill out a stack of forms (they all know their birthdays and where we live, right?).  This has been such a huge help that I am even going to ask them to start helping with their lunches.  Just don’t tell them yet.  I need to figure out a way to break this to them gently!

wet mix


whole spelt flour

I also thought I would start stocking the freezer with some goodies so weekday meal preparation goes a little more smoothly.  I made a few delicious quick breads last week and halved each of them.  One half to enjoy now and the other half is frozen for a rainy day, i.e. a future school day breakfast or lunchbox snack.  I dug into my archives (have I been online long enough to have an archive?) and put a summer twist on my date-sweetened banana bread, one of my absolute favorite, wholesome quick breads.  I actually made three loaves — one with whole spelt flour and two with a blend of gluten-free flours with which I have been experimenting lately.  I am using more and more spelt flour instead of whole wheat, especially in sweet things.  Read about why I love spelt here!  And since I know so many of you wan to avoid gluten, I also made a couple of loaves with different gluten-free flours.  You can always use your favorite store-bought gluten-free flour blend (my favorite is King Arthur) plus some xanthan gum, but those can be a bit pricey.  Either way, it reminded me how versatile most recipes are and that I only need to change a few ingredients to make something more seasonal and/or new.  All the loaves turned out amazing and the kids gobbled them up!

sprinkle some blueberries and nuts on top too

This weekend I’m also going to make and freeze some cookie dough, brown rice for rice bakes, fresh fruit for smoothies and chicken stock since the weather has started to get a little chilly here.  How are you getting organized for the beginning of the new school year?  Would love for you to share.   May the force be with all of us!

blueberry-banana spelt bread | pamela salzman

blueberry-banana spelt bread | pamela salzman

Blueberry-Banana Spelt Bread

5 from 2 votes


  • 8 Tablespoons unsalted butter or unrefined coconut oil at room temperature
  • ½ cup maple syrup I prefer Grade A which has a more subtle flavor
  • 2 large eggs at room temperature
  • 1 Tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 cups whole spelt flour or whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon fine grain sea salt
  • 3 large ripe bananas peeled and mashed (about 1 cup)*
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • ½ cup chopped pecans or walnuts optional


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease the bottom and sides of a 9x5-inch loaf pan. Line with parchment paper, if desired.
  • Beat the butter with the maple syrup in the bowl of a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Add the eggs and vanilla and combine well. The mixture will look curdled and that is normal.
  • In a medium bowl mix together the flour, baking soda, baking powder and sea salt. Add to the wet mixture and combine until just blended. Fold in the mashed bananas and most of the blueberries and nuts. Save a few bleuberries and nuts for the top of the loaf.
  • Pour into the prepared pan and sprinkle the reserved blueberries and nuts on top. Bake for 55-65 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in the pan 10 minutes and then remove the bread and transfer onto a rack.


*Do not attempt this with bananas that are unripe.  They are neither sweet enough nor soft enough.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


this one is gluten-free
this one is gluten-free

Gluten-free dry mix to sub for the 2 cups of spelt flour:

½ cup sorghum flour

½ cup millet flour

½ cup sweet rice flour

¼ cup GF oat flour

3 Tablespoons potato starch

1 Tablespoon tapioca starch

1 teaspoon xanthan gum