Dinner Planner – Week of June 7th, 2021

Happy weekend!  I just filmed my newest monthly class and it will be uploaded next week.  The entire class is about grilling – proteins, vegetables, starches, dessert!  If you don’t take my monthly classes, you should!  They are just like my in-person classes were – same format, 5 seasonal recipes, all my tips and tricks, nutrition info, all the things!  Sign up here.   Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 31st, 2021

Memorial Day weekend always makes me feel so grateful to those who made the ultimate sacrifice serving our nation so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.  I also feel another type of freedom — we were in a different place in this pandemic a year ago and I am enjoying new freedoms that we weren’t able to experience just a short time ago.

In other news, I would love you to experience one of the bootcamps I am teaching in June!!  Friends, I am not exaggerating when I say that all of my bootcamps have generated overwhelmingly rave reviews and positive feedback.  I even have dozens of people who have taken every single one of my (6) bootcamps!  It’s time to get in and let me change the game for you.  No more struggles with dinner every night, wasting time and money, or eating food that doesn’t make you feel your best.  If you need help and you want to have fun learning from me, sign up for my original Healthy Cooking Made Quick & Easy bootcamp.  Use the code EASY100 for $100 off!  Or, do you want to entertain at home but you just can’t figure out how to do it without stress?  The timing is never right?  You waste too much time trying to accommodate different eating styles?  I’m not going to let you sweat another minute.  Join my Entertaining with Ease bootcamp and I will have you asking your friends over all the time and look forward to it!  Use the code EWE100 for $100 off!  I have payment plans too.  And you can watch live or watch the class on your own time.  You have access to the classes and live Q&A sessions FOREVER!!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 24th, 2021

For those of you taking my online monthly classes, I am going live on our private FB page Saturday at 9 am PT!  Bring all your questions, even if they don’t relate to the month’s newest recipes.  I am happy to help you!

I had many emails and DM’s about my Entertaining Bootcamp and if I would consider running it again.  Sure!!  I will launch it one more time during the month of June but that will be it, so if you’re interested, don’t hesitate to sign up when the email goes out next week.  I will also likely repeat “Healthy Cooking Made Quick and Easy” in June!  Stay tuned for sign-ups and add your name here to be on the waitlist.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 17th, 2021

I had such a nice week with my Mom and I know she appreciated the change of scenery (and seeing us!) Some of you may have heard on my IG live last Monday that we are moving, so I am going to be getting my current house ready to put on the market very soon and packing up to move in the next month or so.  We’re just moving a mile away and you’ll come with us!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 10, 2021

Check out last week’s dinner planner to see some easy ideas for Mother’s Day brunch or breakfast!  Or make the simple French Strawberry Cake I just posted.  Couldn’t be easier and everyone loves it.  Last year my kids made me the Apple-Blackberry Breakfast Crisp from “Kitchen Matters” and a savory Dutch Baby.  Make something for the mom in your life! Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 3rd, 2021

Two of my absolute favorite bootcamps ARE BACK THIS WEEK!! Entertaining with Ease starts Wednesday  and Plant-Based 2.0 starts Thursday!  I would love to teach you everything you need to know to effortlessly have friends over as often as you want and/or advance your knowledge of plant-based eating and cooking.  Both of these courses received rave reviews and I know you will learn so much.  It’s fun to take my bootcamps live so you can ask me anything you want in real time and have the support of other students, but all classes are available to watch on your own time as often as you like!

May I entice you with discount codes to sweeten the deal?

Use EWE100 for $100 off the Entertaining course and YESPB2 for $100 off the Plant-Based 2.0 course.  I also have payment plans available!  Click the links with the codes to learn more.  They’d be great Mother’s Day gifts!! Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of April 26, 2021

I had a bananas week, and I am sooooo happy for the weekend!  I do have some exciting news for you though.  I am repeating 2 previous bootcamps beginning the first week in May!!  Last spring I taught a 4-week course called Entertaining with Ease which was an absolute blast to teach and the feedback from the participants was incredible!  Who wants to start entertaining???  Exactly!  I will only be repeating it this year in May, so definitely sign up if you are at all interested.  I will also be repeating my advanced plant-based bootcamp called Plant-Based 2.0.  This might be my favorite course I have taught yet!  Here’s the link to get on the waitlist for these courses.  It’s only a waitlist, not a registration.  You will be the first to know when sign-ups are open and this list also receives a special discount code.  I will only teach one session of each and spots are limited!!  So excited!!   Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of April 19th, 2021

The fam and I are in Montecito visiting friends for the weekend.  I absolutely love it here and if Hubs said, “let’s retire in Montecito,” I’d say, “I’ll start packing!”  My friend Chrissy is a great plant-based cook and we always have fun in the kitchen together.  We decided it would be fun to do an IG live together on Saturday at 5:00 pm PT!  We should be able to pull this off after a Pickleball match with the guys!   Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading