Dinner Planner – Week of December 10th, 2018

WordPress has just done some updating, so I need a little tutorial on the new features.  Forgive any formatting glitches until I figure it all out.  For my online class students, I just filmed this month’s latest class and it will drop this coming week!!  In the meantime, here’s your dinner planner for this week:

Meatless Monday: Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Sauce, Raisins, Hazelnuts and Green Herbs served with roasted acorn squash wedges

Tuesday: Shrimp and Mixed Veggies with Coconut Basil-Sauce served on top of rice – example method here.

Wednesday: Lasagna Cupcakes (feel free to add ground meat or a meat substitute), served with organic broccolini sautéed with thinly sliced garlic.

Thursday: Soft Polenta with Mushroom Ragout from my book, garlicky kale from my book

Friday: Skillet Roasted French Onion Chicken and Potatoes from Half Baked Harvest

Saturday lunch: Hash-brown and Spinach Casserole

Sunday: Miso Soup and Sunrise Nori Wraps with Spicy Tahini Drizzle with Roasted Sweet Potato – method here – avocado and a spicy sriracha aioli.

Here’s what you can do ahead if it helps you:


Wash and dry all veggies

Make all dressings, sauces and marinades

Make Tuesday’s rice 


Make Miso Soup Broth 

Prep Miso Soup Ingredients 

Here’s a link to my previous dinner planners.

I have LOVED seeing all your creations of my recipes on Instagram.  If you make any of my recipes, please tag me @pamelasalzman #pamelasalzman so I can check them out!

Click here to learn more about my online cooking classes!

If you like my recipes, you’ll LOVE my cookbook!

Dinner Planner – Week of December 3rd, 2018

Hanukkah is this Sunday and we have been invited to the home of some friends which means I am off the hook for making latkes on Sunday. Phew!  Latkes, aka potato pancakes, are delish, but kind of annoying to make.  I will make them on Friday for my family, but that’s it.  I planned a lighter dinner planner this week because during the holiday season, we can get in the habit of overeating, so I’d like to keep it simple whenever I can.

For my LA friends, I am doing a cooking demo on Tuesday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Santa Monica at Lunya in collaboration with Brightland Olive Oil.  It’s a free event and I’ll also have my cookbooks that you can purchase and I’ll sign.  Come, just RSVP here!

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Dinner Planner – Week of November 26th, 2018

I hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving.  We had a lovely holiday at home with some family and friends.  The best part was cooking in the kitchen with all three of my kids.  I didn’t care what anything looked like, including myself LOL.  I was just thrilled to be together with my babies.  We are enjoying the leftovers and I am thinking Monday will be a great day to make a big batch of Bieler’s broth which is wonderful for giving the digestive system a little break. 😉

Monday’s Instagram Live will be at a different time because I am teaching at the normal 5:00 pm.  So I’ll either do it earlier in the day or on Tuesday at 5:00 pm.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of November 19, 2018

I just taught my last Thanksgiving class of the year and I am gearing up to start prepping for my own Thanksgiving.  My daughters are coming home this week.  Life is good.  I don’t need more than that.  I am keeping the dinners easy this week because I never have enough time in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving to freeze casseroles for dinners this week.  If you take my online classes, I am doing a Facebook live on our private Facebook page on Saturday at 9:45 am PST.  On  Monday, November 19th I am doing an Instagram Live at 5:00 pm PST at Thrive Market headquarters.  Join me and bring your questions!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of November 12th, 2018

Please note: this post contains links to ProLon. If you make a purchase from one of these links, I may receive a small commission.

With Thanksgiving less than 2 weeks away, now is a great time to do a test-run of any recipes you would like to include on your holiday menu, but have never made before.  I will not actually be cooking this week because my husband and I will be following the Fasting Mimicking Diet, a 5-day fast with food.  Everything you need to consume over the 5-day fast is sent to you in a box, so you don’t have to think about doing much.  I don’t do juice cleanses, diets, detoxes, or anything else.  But I have done this fast twice before and I felt fantastic.  I have done a lot of research on the subject of fasting and I am sold on its benefits for longevity.  My friend Dr. Vivian Chen @plateful.health did a wonderful Instagram post with other benefits of fasting which include:

  • improved insulin sensitivity – better sugar control = less insulin, with the potential downstream effect of fat loss, particularly visceral ie belly fat (because insulin is the fat storage hormone.)
  • repair and detoxification – much of the body’s energy expenditure goes on digestion. when you fast, your body is ‘freed up’ to perform other functions – a nightly 12 hour ‘fast’ will also serve this function.
  • preliminary studies also show fasting may increase beneficial gut bacteria strains such as Akkermansia Mucinophilia. (Akkermansia has been implicated in healthy weight control and more recently in cancer therapies.)
  • If you want to find out more about fasting, register for the FREE Global Fasting week organized by @Fastingtalks and listen to experts like @drjkahn @joelfuhrmanmd @drjasonfung.
  • If you want to join me in Prolon’s Fasting Mimicking Diet, use my code: pamela25 to receive a discount on a kit or subscription.  Feel free to ask me any questions here.  I will also be documenting the process on Instagram stories.

Speaking of Instagram, I will continue the Thanksgiving theme LIVE on Monday, November 12th at 5:00 pm PST/8:00 pm EST.  Bring all your questions!  After the video disappears, I will post on my Facebook page where you can find previous Instagram LIVES.

I will be doing a bonus Instagram Live with Candace Nelson, founder of Sprinkles Cupcakes, on Thursday, November 15th at 2:30 pm PST/5:30 pm EST.  We will discuss making pie dough and pies!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of November 6th, 2018

Please note: this post contains links to ProLon. If you make a purchase from one of these links, I may receive a small commission.

I have already cooked 4 turkeys this week and I am cooking 5-6 next week and 4-5 the week after – and that’s all before my own Thanksgiving holiday!  I have a lot of experience cooking turkeys and Thanksgiving recipes, in general.  If I am an expert in one thing, it’s pulling off a delicious and balanced Thanksgiving dinner without any stress.  My Thanksgiving ebook is now available and it contains all recipes I have ever served, including the coffeecake I make every Thanksgiving morning + all my tips and tricks and pre-ahead strategies.  And it’s only $5!  Click here for more info.

Monday Instagram LIVE continues this Monday at 5:00 pm PST/8:00 pm EST.  This week I will discuss equipment for Thanksgiving and I will (by request) do some demonstrations on my food processor.  Instagram only gives me an hour, so don’t be late! 😉 @pamelasalzman

Over the last year or so, I have been doing a tremendous amount of research on fasting and longevity.  The data and science that positively correlate the two is very strong.  I became fascinated by the work of Dr. Valter Longo and subsequently his Fasting Mimicking Diet.  I have done his fast, which is a 5-day calorie-restricted, fully supplied plan, twice and I was blown away by the results both times.  I felt the best I have felt in years, and it was also an education for me in how psychological eating is. One of the benefits of fasting is to help with cellular rejuvenation, metabolic balance and healthy aging.  I also lost weight both weeks and kept off most of the pounds.  In August, my husband did the fast with me and we are doing it again the week of November 12th to coincide with World Fasting Week.  I reached out to Prolon, the company behind the Fasting Mimicking Diet, to see if they would offer my followers a discount and they obliged.  First, check out the program here. Then, if you’d like to try it, use the code pamela25 to receive a discount on a kit or subscription.  Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.  For medical advice, please contact Prolon.

Lastly, I will be speaking on the Essential Nutrition Panel at the 5th Annual SoCal Wellness event on Friday, November 9th at the Westlake Village Inn! Details and tickets online at www.socalwellnessexpo.com.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of October 29th, 2018

This was a great week!  I was in NY for a few days and spent some time with my family.  I also cooked the chipotle turkey chili from my cookbook in an Instagram Live at The Feed Feed.  You can find that footage here if you missed it. And, I taped a fantastic segment with one of my faves, Rachael Ray, on what you can do to get ahead of the game three weeks before Thanksgiving!  That episode airs Friday, November 2nd.  Check your local listings for channel and time.  My girls are home for the weekend because we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of my husband’s parents.  I am beyond excited to spend time with them!!

For my online cooking class subscribers, join me for our monthly private Facebook LIVE on Saturday, October 27 at 8:45 am PST/11:45 am EST!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of October 22nd, 2018

Happy weekend!  I have a busy schedule in the next week.  If you are in the El Segundo area on Saturday (Oct 20th), please come say hello while I do a cooking demo and sign books at the annual El Segundo Public Library Author Fair.  I’m up at 2:00 pm.  I’ll be in NYC for most of next week.  Tune into my Instagram feed on Monday at 9:00 am PST/12:00 pm EST while I do some fall cooking at The Feed Feed.  I am also taping a TV segment on Wednesday at one of my favorite shows!  Check my stories on Wednesday to find out which one!Continue reading