Dinner Planner – Week of June 29, 2020

While I was watching the news this week about cases spiking across the country, specifically in California, make that Los Angeles County, I heard one pundit say that the combination of gatherings for Memorial Day weekend, graduations, and protests have led us to this place.  Darn.  So no big plans for us on July 4th weekend.  We’ll probably bring a picnic lunch to the beach and call it a day.  I am happy being with my family and hope for a sunny beach day and that’s all!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of June 22nd, 2020

If you don’t know what you’re making for Father’s Day, check out last week’s dinner planner for some inspo and get on it!  My older daughter is coming home on Sunday for 10 days and I can’t wait.  We will all be together again even if it’s for a short bit.

This is an amazing time of year for produce.  I’ve had success with early heirloom tomatoes, watermelon, peaches, and zucchini.  If you have great ingredients, you can keep it really simple!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of June 15th, 2020

Mr. Picky finished school a few days ago, so we are officially in summer mode!  Normally I would be celebrating the fact that I don’t have to make school lunches for the next 10 weeks and that I don’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn Monday through Friday, but that’s the mode we have been in for the last 10 weeks PLUS!  Even though there is still so much uncertainty and my business of teaching in-person classes has taken an unexpected detour, I see clearly that my students and online community still has the desire to learn and be inspired.  So I will continue bringing you new recipes, new online monthly classes, new 4-week courses, and Instagram lives (although I will not be doing those 6 days a week in the summer.). I have a lot of exciting stuff planned for you all!!   Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of June 8th, 2020

Hello, Friends.  This has been an emotional week.  I needed to go inward for a few days and start my process of learning.  Thank you to those of you who have stuck with me.  I value all the members of my community and I am hopeful for the future.

I am eager to make my own personal progress, but I am also still your teacher and supporter in all things cooking and wellness!  I just filmed a new online cooking class for my monthly students.  We will be editing over the weekend and posting in a few days.  If you love learning from me on Instagram Live everyday, I highly recommend joining my online classes.  I am not teaching just a bunch of recipes every month.  I go deep into so many things from nutrition to products to techniques and ways to adapt recipes.  Click here to learn more.

ALSO, I have taught two 4-week courses/bootcamps recently and the feedback has been incredible.  I am finishing my last week of my “Entertaining with Ease” Bootcamp and I have been asked to open it up to a new group.  I am excited to announce that I have opened the cart for sign-ups and this course will start this Thursday!!!  It is a game-changing class if you want to entertain at home AND enjoy yourself.  The class is live every week, but can be watched anytime through a video link, so attending live is not a requirement.  Click here to learn more about the course and use code EWE100 to receive $100 off the regular price!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of June 1st, 2020

I don’t think I realized that March 11th was going to be the last in-person cooking class that I would likely teach in 2020.  I also never thought I would film Episode 75 of Quarantine Cooking on my Instagram (which I just did on Friday.)  Wow.

My daughter Anna is back home after her virtual graduation from college.  Not the graduation we all envisioned of course, but we are very proud of her accomplishments and know that life doesn’t always go according to plan.  My mantra of  “Love and Compassion” helps me get through all the tough times, and there are many right now in this country including real life injustice and racism.  I try to live my life and teach my children to make all choices from a place of love and compassion.  Remember that our actions at home are everything.  Praying for healing, justice and more love.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 25, 2020

Memorial Day usually brings to light the men and women who have died serving our country and protecting our freedom.  This year, I also want to honor those who have been on a different type of front lines.  All the essential workers who have lost their lives due to this epidemic are in my thoughts this Memorial Day as well.

Some of you may be socializing for the first time in a while, so I am posting this dinner planner a bit earlier than usual.  Are you guys seeing friends yet?  We actually saw friends this week on two different occasions this week and felt pretty comfortable with how we handled it.  We are all trying to figure out how to transition into our new lifestyle.  A few things we did was ask our friends to remove their shoes before they entered the house; wash their hands after entering; keep a 6-ft-ish distance between us; and wash hands again before dinner.  That’s about the best we could do and it felt just fine!  I think socializing outdoors is best and keeping it to a few people rather than a big group.  But I think everyone will figure out what works for them and their circle of family and friends.   Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 18th, 2020

This week I recorded  IG Live Quarantine Cooking episode number 60.  60!! Oh people.  Even though our beaches and hiking trails have opened, the state of California has still recommended sheltering in place for the next three months.  Honestly, if everyone would wear a mask and gloves when s/he is out in public, I would be totally confident going out.  But this is not the case, so I have a feeling I’ll be hanging in my kitchen for the forseeable future.  I have plenty to keep me busy with my online classes, cooking bootcamps, daily IG lives, this website and my social media channels!  Oh, and then there’s my new book! I want to continue to help you find your rhythm in the kitchen and cook in a way that supports good health.  One of the best ways is planning your meals.  I am still doing that and I highly encourage this practice because most of us are grocery shopping once a week, so it is really helpful to plan, plan, plan!!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 11, 2020

I am hoping you are all doing as well as can be expected right now.  I am loving being with all of my kids, but I miss seeing my friends.  I love sitting down to 3 meals a day with my family, but I miss going out.  I miss teaching my students in person, but the way my online community has come together makes me proud and happy every day.  I am so grateful we have all found each other!

Round 2 of the Healthy Cooking Made Quick & Easy Bootcamp is now open for sign ups.  I never imagined how much I would have enjoyed teaching this 4-week online course.  It exceeded my expectations in terms of the positive feedback I received and the progress that this first group made.  They enjoyed it so much that they asked me to teach another Bootcamp with them!  You can click here to learn more about this course, which starts this Thursday.  I am offering a $50 off early bird sign up discount with the code QUICK50.

Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm about my new book, Quicker Than Quick!  I am thrilled you are loving it as much as you are!!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading