Instant Pot Black or Pinto Beans Recipe


Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

Since our diet is predominantly plant-based, we focus most of our meals around vegetables and legumes.  By legumes, I mean beans, lentils and peas. This group is my go-to protein and I aim to vary the sources as much as I can.  There are so many kinds of beans out there, from the common black, pinto, garbanzo (aka chickpeas) to heirloom varieties that are less widely seen.  There are also so many different types of lentils – different colors, some split, different sizes, etc.Continue reading

Winter Salad with Grapefruit, Crispy Quinoa, and Jalapeño-Mint Vinaigrette Recipe

Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

I for one am in need of a Plant Based RESET.  Who is with me?  If you are curious about how to eat more plants, then you should take advantage of my Plant Based Bootcamp, which is a 4-week course where I teach you the basics about a plant based diet – nutrients, what to cook, products, proteins, how not to gain weight, and more.  We start next week and I’d love to have you join!  Early bird discount code is PB100 for $100 off! Continue reading

Lemon-Garlic Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

Very exciting news!  I am re-launching my Plant Based Bootcamp in January 2021!!  This was by far my most popular 4-week course of last year which I taught several times to rave reviews.  So much so that I am developing a Plant Based 2.0 for February.  If you didn’t get into the Plant Based Bootcamp last year, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE and the cart is open for signups.  For YOU, I am giving you a discount code of PB100 for $100 off the course.  Check it out here!

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Eggnog Sweet Potato Casserole with Crunchy Oat Topping Recipe

Sponsored by Alta Dena Dairy and Dairy Farmers of America

When my kids were small, before we moved to the beach, we lived in two different homes in Los Angeles, and we had a milkman from Alta Dena® deliver to us once a week.  So old school, I know!  Keith was a lovely man who dropped off our order very early in the morning, so I only met him a few times (one of my kids as a baby was sometimes up before the sun!) In fact, in our second home, we had a metal milk box on the porch where Keith would deposit the milk and it would stay cold until I retrieved it.Continue reading

Peppermint Bark Shortbread Recipe

Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

The simplest recipes are always the most popular.  I need to remember this when I am creating and sharing with you and my students.  It’s cookie season and although I don’t know how many cookie swaps will happen, or maybe they’ll happen without people getting together physically, I know you will all appreciate the ease and simplicity of this Peppermint Bark Shortbread recipe!Continue reading

Cod Acqua Pazza Recipe (vegan option, too!)

Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

If you’ve been hanging out here long enough, you know that my favorite night of the year is Christmas Eve at my Aunt Sheila’s house with my dad’s family – all 100+ of us.  It’s a fun night with all the traditions I grew up with: a million fish dishes, carols being sung while waiting for Santa to come down the stairs, dozens of gifts flying everywhere, chocolates and panettone and espresso to round out the evening.  Well, I know what you’re thinking.  That’s a super spreader event that is NOT happening this year.Continue reading

Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas

I expect some of you are going to have some significant leftovers this weekend.  Many people, myself included, are doing a big traditional Thanksgiving dinner for fewer people this year.  So what are you going to do with all that extra food?  One idea is to identify a neighbor who may not be able to cook for him/herself and bring some leftovers to him/her.  I often freeze food like cooked turkey and extra pie for another time. But leftovers can obviously be repurposed and turned into a whole other meal.  My family is perfectly happy to have Thanksgiving 2.0 on Friday and Saturday!  In case you’re looking for some recipes, I pulled together a few from my site with links below.Continue reading

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2020 – 1 week to go!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011.

It’s always hard to accomplish your Thanksgiving tasks when you don’t know how many people you’re having over or what your menu is!  But my menu is done and we will be approximately 9 people, including my oldest daughter who is coming home this weekend.  I am so excited to have all my kids in the kitchen this year prepping and cooking with me.  I had a stroke of genius 8 years ago, which was to tack my Thanksgiving to-do list on the refrigerator and have everyone sign up for three tasks.  Even my husband helps out!

It is so unbelievable to me that I didn’t teach a single in-person Thanksgiving class this year.  I normally teach 5 per week for 3 weeks!  I miss my peeps. Sigh.  I have done most of most grocery shopping other than a few items which need to buy purchased when I pick up my turkey.  I plan the days leading up to Thanksgiving pretty carefully so I don’t forget anything and also so that I have a list to cross things off (that makes me feel so accomplished!)   I think about regular meals and activities, too. Here’s what my schedule will look like from Sunday until we eat on Thursday at 4:00 pm (-ish). This shouldn’t make you feel exhausted, but merely show you what you can do ahead for your own Thanksgiving!  The Chalkboard Mag published a really great blogpost four years ago with tons of tips from lots of food experts (including me!)  I highly recommend giving it a quick read.

As if I hadn’t already told you, my Thanksgiving ebook is available for only $15!

 This PDF contains all my Thanksgiving recipes, tips and tricks, in one document!  You will have everything you need to plan and execute your best Thanksgiving ever, says me and everyone I know who has bought it.  Click here to access the Thanksgiving ebook.

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