Dinner Planner – Week of January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! I hope you are all having a lovely holiday season! I had a truly extra special Christmas on Long Island.  All three of my kids met us there and we stayed at my mom’s house with my sisters and their families.  It was relaxing and great family togetherness. This week’s Monday Musings newsletter will be published on Tuesday, January 2 and the January cooking class will also be sent out on Tuesday, January 2.  I hope you enjoy them!

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Lasagne Soup Recipe

I made this lasagne soup on a whim a few years ago and it was an instant family favorite.  Then I taught it in one of my bootcamps and I am still getting rave reviews!  It’s so easy and you can make it with meat or veggies or both.  I honestly use whatever I have in the fridge/pantry, but you know I love to add lots of veggies to everything! The soup will taste as good as the marinara sauce you use since that is the flavor base.  Enjoy!
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Dinner Planner – Week of December 25, 2023

Whatever you celebrate, I hope your holidays are merry and bright and shared with loved ones.  I am with my family in New York for our traditional Christmas festivities.  It is so much easier cooking for a crowd since all the kids are older now.  I just direct traffic and boss everyone around. 😉 Plus, I keep notes from year to year as to what we served, how much and if it was well-received by most – just like I do for Thanksgiving!  If you subscribe to my newsletter, the next one will be published on Tuesday 12/26 instead of Monday, which is Christmas Day.  Merry Christmas, friends!  

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Cinnamon Roll Pancakes Recipe

I always want to make cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and then I get too busy and can’t pull it off.  Let me tell you, these pancakes taste like a cinnamon roll, are WAY easier, and much healthier!  My family goes totally crazy for them and hubs has declared, “these are the best pancakes ever!”  Use whatever pancake batter you like (I have provided a homemade batter recipe below) and you can even make them really fortified with added flax meal or hemp seeds.  I like to make my pancake batter the day before and refrigerate it for a really easy morning!Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 18, 2023

We’re in the Christmas home stretch!  I hope you’re staying healthy and sane in these last weeks of 2023.  A couple of admin notes.  I was just invited to be a guest chef at The Golden Door the week of January 21, 2024. This is an actual dream come true for me since The Golden Door is my happy place and a truly magical, transformative experience.  I will be teaching a cooking class one night and preparing dinner for all the guests with the kitchen staff on another night.  I truly cannot wait.  Let me know if you will be there that week so we can hang out.  Even better if you play pickle 😉
This Monday’s newsletter will have ideas for homemade gifts from the kitchen and ways to package them.  Subscribe for free here.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Apple Amaretti Crisp Recipe

I will never tire of fresh, seasonal fruit crisps.  They’re easy and everyone loves them.  The Amaretti cookies get crushed and swapped in for rolled oats in a classic crisp.  You can swap some pears for apples and add in some fresh cranberries if you like. I found Amaretti cookies at Cost Plus World Market. Try to find the ones that are loose in a bag as opposed to individually wrapped which are more expensive. Double the recipe if you want to cook it in a 13 x 9-inch baking dish.
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Dinner Planner – Week of December 11, 2023

Oooops!  I’m a little delayed getting this week’s dinner planner to you.  So sorry!  I wish I could say I have bought all my gifts and finalized our menu for Christmas, but that is not the case!  I am headed to The Golden Door by myself today for a few days of R&R and I am very much looking forward to it. I know this is such a busy time of year and we can often put ourselves and our health last, but as much as I can, I try to cook simple meals at home, get good sleep and never skip my supplements. Stay sane and stay healthy, friends! Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Roasted Vegetables with Mint-Salsa Verde and Pomegranate Seeds Recipe

I am unapologetic about my love for vegetables and my desire to grace every holiday table with colorful, seasonal veggies!  This dish is perfection for Christmas and Hanukkah and everything in between.  And to take it one step further, you can use this salsa verde on many more seasonal vegetables and it is also fabulous with fish.  You can definitely make the salsa verde ahead but remember to pull it out so the olive oil becomes room temp and liquid again. It is packed with bright flavors!Continue reading