Dinner Planner – Week of March 21, 2022

Happy Spring!  Spring represents a new beginning, a rebirth, a fresh start.  Better weather is around the corner. And spring produce is cleansing and detoxifying (think wild greens, herbs, strawberries and asparagus.) Spring makes me feel like, We did it!  We survived the holiday season and the winter.  Things can only get better from here. Let’s hope, yes?

I have decided not to resume in-person classes for the remainder of 2022. There are a few reasons for that, but the main reason is that I teach in other people’s kitchens and we used to pack people in.  I just don’t think that’s a viable model for the times we live in right now.  So, if you like learning from me, my monthly cooking class is fabulous!!  Do check it out. I will also be offering all my bootcamps soon for you to take on your own time, self-paced.  Look out for that!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: 

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Whole Grain Marbled Banana Bread Recipe

I had two years during a global pandemic to cook more at home than I ever thought possible.  Hubs perfected sourdough bread, which is crazy since he can’t cook anything other than toast and oatmeal.  Even though I am fairly confident in the kitchen, I was starting to gravitate towards my book Quicker Than Quick and other simple, but flavorful recipes.  Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of March 14, 2022

I always say that St. Patrick’s Day is a MAJOR opportunity to get all the green foods in!  If you have little kids, start blending spinach into muffins and pancake batter and then they’ll see that green foods are not scary, but delicious! In other news, if you take my monthly online cooking class, the March class has been uploaded and it’s fabulous!  The recipes are geared toward both Easter and Passover and celebrate Spring.  One concept I address in the class is how to layer flavors.  If you are not taking my monthly cooking class, you should!  You’ll learn so much and have access to my newest recipes a year before everyone else.  Plus we have an optional monthly zoom later in the month so I can answer all your burning questions.  JOIN US!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Colcannon with Cauliflower and Kale Recipe

There are two ways I go on St. Patrick’s Day – an Irish-inspired meal and/or food that is (naturally) green.  I had to laugh when I read that in Ireland, since St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday, people often get take-out, like pizza.  Why in the States are we guzzling green beer with our corned beef and eating green-dyed bagels?  That said, I have always wanted to post a twist on the traditional Irish dish Colcannon.Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of March 7, 2022

I’m having the best time with Mom and her friend Marisena!  We have been seeing the sights and cooking and watching movies.  So fun!

In case you missed it, I’m beyond excited to open the registration for my NEWEST bootcamp, Back to Basics! I took suggestions, requests and feedback from hundreds of my students and married them with my decade + experience teaching thousands, yes thousands, of people and created an incredible 4-week course to help anyone become a confident cook.  I used to think, “if you can read, you can cook.”  And then I realized that was not true.  We need a foundation in order to be successful in the kitchen.  You know that homemade food is critical to good health, and cooking does not have to be hard or a struggle.  Join me either live starting this Tuesday or Wednesday or on your own time for Back to Basics, a life-changing course!  For my community, I am providing a coupon code BB100 for $100 off and there are payment plans available. Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Zuppa Toscana Recipe

I love eating something in a restaurant and challenging myself to make the same dish at home. Sometimes I try to “clean it up,” or sometimes I just like to make it more my style with ingredients I like better. I very often get requests or suggestions from my students such as, “I had this amazing veggie burger with a sundried tomato pesto, pickled radishes, sprouted brown rice and sesame seeds blessed by Tibetan monks.  PLEASE figure out a way to duplicate the recipe!!”Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of February 28, 2022

Eeeeeek! I’m over the moon to open the registration for my NEWEST bootcamp, Back to Basics! I took suggestions, requests and feedback from hundreds of my students and married them with my decade + experience teaching thousands, yes thousands, of people and created an incredible 4-week course to help anyone become a confident cook.  I used to think, “if you can read, you can cook.”  And then I realized that was not true.  We need a foundation in order to be successful in the kitchen.  You know that homemade food is critical to good health, and cooking does not have to be hard or a struggle.  Join me either live starting the week of March 7th or on your own time for Back to Basics, a life-changing course!  For my community, I am providing a coupon code BB100 for $100 off and there are payment plans available.

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Lemony Greek Potatoes Recipe

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw that I was using a continuous glucose monitor for 14 days through a company called Zoe. This is not sponsored; I was just doing an experiment and I wanted to see what types of foods, in what combinations, and when, had what kind of effects on my blood sugar.  This is a post about the most delicious potatoes I have eaten in a long while, not really about continuous glucose monitors.  BUT, I have been interested in “resistant starch,” and how it affects blood sugar and that does relate to this type of recipe.Continue reading