Dinner Planner – Week of September 27, 2021

Is it too early to start thanking about Thanksgiving?  I think not!  I just opened the cart to my 4-week Thanksgiving Bootcamp which starts the week of October 4th!  I am teaching two different days and different times.  I taught this bootcamp last year and my email inbox was flooded with rave reviews and Thanksgiving success stories!  Let me sweeten the deal with a $100 off discount code TDAY100.  Click here to learn more!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of September 20th, 2021

I hope you had a nice holiday if you celebrated this week!  I really liked the menu I put together for our break fast on Yom Kippur.  I also made my challah recipe into rolls (1 recipe made 9 rolls) and I made Jake Cohen’s “Perfect Challah” which was a beautiful color because it called for honey + sugar, but it was way too sweet and not salty enough.  In case you’re always looking for the perfect challah recipe.  I think mine is pretty pretty good!  For dinner, in addition to some traditional deli stuff, I made spanakopita, sweet noodle kugel, vegan lasagna, mejadra, roasted vegetable salad, farro with roasted tomato vinaigrette, and olive bar chickpea salad from QTQ.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of September 13, 2021

I have made it through two weeks of school lunches!!! Considering I had set my alarm clock 4 times in a year a half and made zero school lunches, I think I’m doing great!  I’m sure my son’s senior year of high school is off to a great start, too LOL.

This week I completed Week 1 of the Raising Healthy Eaters bootcamp and I am thrilled with the two groups participating and the supportive energy we have going!  If you’re trying to plan ahead, the bootcamps I am running in October will be Plant Based 2.0 AND ….Thanksgiving!!!! Totally excited for both!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of September 6, 2021

I’ve been busy creating new material and content for you all!  I just uploaded the September class for those of you who take my monthly online cooking class!  I can’t stop making the recipes!!  Soooooo good!  Also,  I am so excited that my newest, never before seen BOOTCAMP is open for sign-ups!!  We start this week and it’s called Raising Healthy Eaters and it is your answer to how to raise children who have a healthy relationship with food, can make good choices when they are away from you, and how to stop being a short order cook.  If you’re new here, I raised three children (two of whom were really picky and now they’re not!), taught over a thousand students (mostly moms) in person over the years, and educated hundreds of elementary school students in nutrition and gardening.  I’ve been there, seen it, heard it, counseled, learned, and implemented my strategies FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES with incredible success.  I have poured all my knowledge into this course and I cannot wait to change your life!!!  For my website subscribers and my students, I am sweetening the deal with a $100 off coupon code:  KIDS100   Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of August 30th, 2021

I am back from Alaska and WOW!  What a trip.  What an experience. I was invited by the Copper River Marketing nonprofit group for an education and deeper appreciation about not just these very unique and special salmon, but the fishing families of south-central Alaska.  These fishermen and women are independent, small business owners dedicated to longterm sustainability of wild salmon stocks, the environment and a way of life. Their passion not only preserves their livelihood but also ensures an abundance of future generations of wild salmon. In case you’re interested, Coho salmon (aka Silver salmon) is in season for about another month.

In other news, I will be sending an email announcement in the next few days for sign-ups for my newest 4-week bootcamp, Raising Healthy Eaters.  You asked and I listened and delivered.  This will be an incredibly helpful course with concrete actionable strategies for raising kids who are healthy eaters.  I poured decades of hands-on experience into this course and I am so excited to share it!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of August 23, 2021

Thank you for all your kind messages, emails, comments this week after my friend Andrea passed away.  It has been a very difficult time.

A year and a half ago, I was invited by the Copper River Salmon Marketing Association to “Copper River Salmon Camp,” a few days learning about my favorite fish, meeting fishermen and checking out Cordova, Alaska.  Because of the quarantine, the trip was rescheduled for next week!  So off I go for an Alaskan adventure.  I will not be doing an IG live this Monday, but please follow along on Instagram for all the Copper River fun! Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of August 16th, 2021

I am at the end of my magical week at The Golden Door with my friend Melissa.  We have been here three times together and we are already wondering when we can come back.  This was a tough year for a lot of people.  Do what you can to take some time for yourself even if it’s a hike in nature or 15 minutes of meditation.  And check off something on your bucket list!

For my monthly online class students, the August class is almost done being edited and will be sent to you soon!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of August 9th, 2021

Happy Weekend!  For my monthly online cooking class students, I just filmed your August class today and it will be edited over the weekend.  I cannot wait for you to see it!  I want to test out my bootcamp-style of watching the class with you this month.  Please be on the lookout for an email from me.  My goal is to have a live viewing the week of August 16th.  But of course you will get the class in advance so you can watch at your leisure too.

In other news, I will be at the Golden Door next week with one of my best friends. What started out as a bucket list visit 3 years ago together turned into something that we hope we can continue many more times.  To say the Golden Door has been magical for both of us is an understatement!  Instead of my usual Monday IG live at 5, I asked the Chef at the Golden Door if he would do an IG live with me from their garden and he said yes! I didn’t think he’d even consider it!  BUT we are doing the live on TUESDAY at 5 pm PT.  Chef Greg is so charismatic, knowledgable, and fun.  It’s going to be a great IG live! Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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