Dinner Planner – Week of December 19, 2022

What a week – it’s Hanukkah AND Christmas!  Last week’s dinner planner had some Hanukkah ideas since Sunday is the first night. We’ll be at my mom’s this week with all the kids, so I can barely contain my excitement. My mom and my sisters and I will cook together. We try to keep things easy and we make grocery runs every other day (since we can’t store everything we need for the entire week.) Follow along on Instagram to see it all unfold. I’ve packed my matcha! Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of December 12, 2022

Happy Weekend!  I am celebrating my nephew’s bar mitzvah this weekend, so we have a lot of family events. Hubs and I are hosting a brunch at our home on Sunday. I am breaking it all down in Monday’s newsletter.  Subscribe here if you don’t already.  For my monthly online cooking class subscribers, I am doing a live zoom “office hours” on Wednesday at 5:00 pm PT. Check your email for the link!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 5, 2022

This is always a hectic time of year, between two major holidays, lots of gifts to buy, and so many events being squeezed in before school breaks for the holidays.  My advice to myself right now is to not run myself ragged, stay hydrated and pumped up with extra vegetables and fruit, and get adequate sleep.  If I can’t get it all done, so be it. In December, I tend to cook once and eat twice. What that means is a pot of soup on Sunday is the same meal on Monday, and a roasted chicken is eaten two days in a row, but one day simply with sides and the next reheated with taco seasonings and served with tortillas.  I prefer to eat homemade food as much as possible, but this time of year I am not looking to win awards for creativity!

I am traveling this weekend through Tuesday, so I will miss Instagram live on Monday night but Hubs and I will return to our regular Monday live at 5 on 12/12.  It will be a GOOD one!

If you don’t subscribe to my newsletter, do it!  I have an epic gift guide coming in this Monday’s newsletter!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of November 28, 2022

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!  I honestly did not care as much about the food, even though I certainly spent time planning and cooking.  I was overjoyed to have two of my kids home with us for the whole week and for Thanksgiving. There is truly nothing better in my opinion.  One of my turkeys turned out amazing and one cooked much faster than I anticipated and had to rest for way too long, and I thought ended up slightly dry.  But I truly did not get the least flustered because I was enjoying the day so much.  I typed up all my notes and things I learned and I am sharing it all in this Monday’s newsletter!  If you aren’t signed up for my free newsletter, you are missing out! Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of November 21, 2022

Two of my three kids are coming home and I am giddy with excitement!  I am really, really looking forward to the whole week and especially Thanksgiving!  **I’ll have my entire menu and detailed timeline included in Monday’s newsletter. My newsletter is FREE, so subscribe if you like exclusive content! **Last call for my Thanksgiving Ebook – friends, we are very close to the big day and if you have even a HINT of anxiety, this ebook is worth every penny (BTW, it’s only $15 and will save you HOURS of precious, valuable time and make you a Thanksgiving goddess!) **For my monthly online subscribers, I’m so glad you are loving the new Thanksgiving class! Yay!  Our second live “office hours” is this Tuesday at 9:00 am PT. Bring ALL your questions!! Check your email for the zoom link. **This week’s dinner planner includes the easiest pre-Thanksgiving dinners + some ideas for leftovers. Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of November 14, 2022

Happy Weekend!  I am visiting my mom this weekend on Long Island where we will be attending a conference honoring my father and the work he did on behalf of the Italian community. I’m sure it will be a beautiful tribute to my father, whom we miss very much every day. 

In other news, if you have not finalized your Thanksgiving menu, I am giving you a nudge.  If you need help and you have decision-overload, my 2022 Thanksgiving Ebook is for you.  It’s only $15.  What is your time worth? How many hours will you spend searching for recipes and turkey tips and googling what you can make ahead and freeze?  I did it all for you and put it in one PDF. You can print the whole thing or print out just the recipes and tips you need.  Another tip, if there is a recipe you want to make for Thanksgiving, but you’ve never made it before, this is a good week to try it!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of November 7, 2022

Hello friends!  I have a couple of announcements: on Monday, November 7th I am doing a special Instagram Live with Evite, and I’ll be sharing ooodles of entertaining tips.  It should be fun and helpful!

My Thanksgiving 2022 class is available! I am always surprised when people tell me they didn’t know I taught classes.  YES! That’s what I do! I don’t teach in person anymore, but I have been teaching online since well before the pandemic.  Join me this month if you need a little extra inspiration and guidance.  The menu is brand-new, never before published and it’s fabulous!

If you don’t need a class, but you need a Thanksgiving manual, grab my 2022 Thanksgiving ebook. EVERYTHING you need to know is in this PDF!  In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, this is the time to test out new recipes, not on Thanksgiving Day.  Consider adding them into your dinner planner.  Here’s my dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of October 31, 2022

I know Halloween is on Monday, but THANKSGIVING is 4 weeks from this past Thursday!!!  It’s game on, friends!! My newest Thanksgiving e-book is available and better than ever.  It is basically a Thanksgiving manual with over 100 recipes, troubleshooting tips, prep ahead best practices and every piece of advice I have learned over the last 27 years of cooking Thanksgiving and teaching over 200 Thanksgiving classes.  If there is something I have down pat, it’s Thanksgiving.  Click here to learn more about the e-book and to order.  It will save you hours and hours of searching for recipes and tips!!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading