Dinner Planner – Week of August 22, 2022

This weekend is the big Drop-Off!!  Mr. Picky is going to college.  If you think YOU can’t believe it, how do you think I feel??  Because I’m traveling on Monday, I can’t do my regular Monday IG Live at 5.  If I get my act together, maybe I can try to do it on Tuesday.  I’ll post on Instagram if I can.  If you are looking for a little help with school lunches or even bring-to-work lunch, I have a free PDF that I created for you!  Click here for the download. Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of August 15, 2022

This is my son’s last week at home before we take him to college.  Yes, Mr. Picky is going to college.  I am literally teary-eyed as I type this.  Mr. Picky is my last child, and also a ray of sunshine and the kindest, most wonderful young man. I love having him around and truly enjoy his company and dry wit, his thoughtfulness and curious mind.  I am very excited for him to begin this new phase of his life, but I am going to miss him.  I just am.  Maybe I’ll convince him to partner with me on my IG live on Monday. 

On another note, thank you for all the positive feedback on my new newsletter!  If you are not on my email list, don’t hesitate!  I’m sending out a free newsletter every week with lots of great tidbits, advice, product recommendations, exclusive recipes, and more.  Sign up here!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of August 8, 2022

We had the most lovely visit with my sister’s family and I am sad to see them go back to Long Island.  I am now in Get-Mr. Picky-Ready-for-College mode!  Eeek!  Hubs and I are almost empty-nesters, so if you have suggestions for how to make this transition, please share.  Also, I have started a newsletter for website subscribers only.  The second newsletter comes out on Monday.  It’s a free subscription and I won’t sell your info to anyone.  I am sharing favorite finds, new, unpublished recipes, little things that I am loving lately.  I am also going to organize an IN-PERSON Pamela Potluck in a month or so for anyone who is in town that wants to say hi in real life.  BUT, you have to be an email subscriber!!  Click here to sign up.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of August 1, 2022

My sister’s family is arriving today for a week!  Sadly, my sister got sick and can’t travel, but we are thrilled to have her husband and kids visit with us.  For all my monthly online cooking class students, I just filmed the August class yesterday and it is in the editing process now.  I hope to have it to you by the end of this coming week!  If you give me an hour a month, I can teach you a lot about how to cook and eat more healthfully and turn you into a better, more confident and more efficient cook.  An hour a month!!!  Plus, I changed the structure of my subscription model – join monthly and you will have access to the ENTIRE library of classes and recipes.  Note – I’ve been teaching online monthly for many years! 

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of July 25, 2022

If it’s hot where you are, this dinner planner may help give you ideas for cooking when you don’t feel like turning on the oven!  I am thinking no-cook, grilling outside, and slow cooker (mine doesn’t add warmth to the kitchen like an oven.) If you take my monthly online cooking class, I am going live with you on Tuesday at 5:00 pm PT!  It’s an opportunity for you to ask me anything at all and interact with other students.  We always have a lively conversation and it has been fun getting to know many of you!  If you like learning from me, you should absolutely sign up for my monthly class.  No in-person classes anymore, so this is the next best thing! Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of July 18, 2022

My mom, my aunt and my daughters are visiting this week and through the weekend for a family event and we are having a blast!  I am hoping to convince my aunt to join me for my regular Instagram live on Monday at 5:00 pm, but we’ll see. My mom needs no convincing and will be there with bells on and an Aperol spritz lol!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading