Dinner Planner – Week of September 11, 2023

The Jewish new year is coming up at the end of this week, so I’ve provided some ideas if you’re looking to change up your menu.  Whenever I host any Jewish holiday, I like to honor some of the traditional foods, but mix in some modern dishes just to keep things interesting and fresh!  As […]

Dinner Planner – Week of September 4, 2023

Happy Labor Day Weekend, aka the unofficial end of summer! Some people love the start of the new school year and the structure it brings, and others long for an endless summer with fewer commitments and better weather.  I get it. Hubs and I are taking one last mini trip this weekend to visit friends […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 24, 2023

I know the heat can be difficult and maybe even discourage you from cooking.  I get it!  It’s not hot where I live, but I sometimes I enjoy not turning on the stove or the oven and eating less structured meals of olives, hummus, crackers and cheese.  We’ve been doing this for ages, but now […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 10, 2023

I hope you had an enjoyable week, whether you had one day off or turned this into a longer holiday.  We were in Park City, Utah with one of my sisters and her family and we had a great time.  There is so much to do there in the summer and I absolutely love being […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 3, 2023

I understand a lot of people are taking Monday off and turning this into a 4-day weekend!  I hope you all enjoy some quality time this week.  If you are hosting any get-togethers or going to a potluck and you have to bring something, I’ve got you covered.  Check out some of the links below. […]