Cookware 101

This blogpost is updated from one I wrote many, many years ago.  I want to be able to have a place where I can direct the same questions I receive over and over again. I am happy to answer those questions, but it is more helpful for people in my community to be able to have a reference. 

A very important element in cooking is the equipment you use.  The quality of your cookware, the materials your cookware is made from, as well as knowing which skillet or saucepan to choose for the job are all factors which will affect your food, and even your health, for better or for worse.  By arming yourself with a little knowledge, you can steer yourself towards safer options and away from cookware that can compromise the quality of your food and your health.Continue reading

Blackened Wild Salmon Tacos Recipe

Photography by Carolina Korman

Most people think of produce having seasons, which it does.  But wild salmon has a season too, and it just started!!!  I do buy frozen wild salmon in the “off-season,” but I prefer it fresh.  So from now until late summer/early fall, I will be indulging once a week at minimum in my favorite fish.  Now to get more specific, I am most fond of Copper River Salmon, a variety of wild salmon that is even more flavorful, more luxurious, and more rich than regular wild salmon.  Copper River Salmon has a shorter season of about 3 weeks, and it is just getting going.Continue reading

Egg-less Spring Vegetable Frittata Recipe

Photography by Carolina Korman

One of the most common substitutions I am asked about is eggs.  Many people are plant-based/vegan; others are avoiding eggs because their doctors told them to; and eggs are one of the most common food allergens.  When I offer a sub for eggs, I consider how the eggs are used in a recipe.  Are they binding a batter together?  Are they adding lift?  Are they the bulk of a dish, like a scramble or a frittata?Continue reading

Orange Juice Sherbet Recipe


This post is sponsored by the Florida Department of Citrus. All opinions are my own.


I am not normally organized enough to coordinate my recipe posts with national food days, but when I saw it was National OJ Day on May 4th, I knew it was time to share my favorite OJ recipe!  Someone asked me on Instagram Live the other day what my favorite guilty pleasure is and it’s definitely ice cream and frozen desserts.  I certainly have my favorite flavors, but I would take a good quality ice cream over a chocolate chip cookie any day.Continue reading

Avocado Chocolate Pudding Recipe

I made this avocado chocolate pudding on Instagram Live today and it took me 4 minutes to make.  Thank goodness all of you showed up and had a lot to chat about, otherwise it would have been the quickest IG live ever!  I joked that I should have included this recipe in “Quicker Than Quick“!Continue reading

Big Cluster Granola Recipe

I had so many requests for this BIG CLUSTER GRANOLA that I created a blogpost for it.  It’s so much easier to find recipes on my website than to try to find them on Instagram, trust me!  But since I was not prepared to post here, I have no prep shots.  Sorry!!!  This is very similar to my original granola of many moons ago, but there are a couple of differences.  Let’s discuss.Continue reading

“Quicker Than Quick” the book!

Well, friends, my second book baby, Quicker Than Quick, is about to make its way into the world on Tuesday, April 21st and I can barely contain myself!  Unlike an actual baby, books take a long time.  I originally pitched the idea of a book of quick to prep and quick to cook recipes to my agent in late April 2018.  She was incredibly enthusiastic about the idea and encouraged me to write a proposal, “and make it quick!”  We sent the proposal to the editor of my first book and we had a deal within the day.Continue reading

Matzo Polenta with Mushroom Ragout Recipe


Photography by Carolina Korman


Stop the press!  Hold the line!  Sound the alarms!  I am sharing the best, most delicious, not boring Passover side dish I have ever had.  It is easy and versatile, although not low calorie and not vegan!  (Sorry, Hubs!)  Alas, Passover comes but once a year and you won’t eat this entire recipe in one sitting.  This is MATZO POLENTA.  Instead of making polenta with cornmeal, it’s made with matzo meal.  And unlike everything else made with matzo meal, it doesn’t taste like a matzo ball.Continue reading