Thanksgiving Leftovers Salad with Cranberry Sauce Vinaigrette Recipe

Every year on the day after Thanksgiving, we have our leftovers traditions.  For breakfast, my daughters dig into pie and Hubs toasts leftover cornbread to eat with coffee.  I do a scramble of chopped leftovers and tofu.  Then lunch is some sort of chopped leftovers salad with or without a stuffing waffle (take stuffing and […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2021 – 1 week to go!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011. It’s always hard to accomplish your Thanksgiving tasks when you don’t know how many people you’re having over or what your menu is!  But my menu is done and we will be approximately 14 people, including two daughters who are […]

Tart Cherry Pie with Lattice Crust Recipe

Canned tart cherries were my introduction to shopping at Walmart. Several years ago, I became obsessed with making a tart cherry pie for Thanksgiving.  It was my missing link. A tart cherry pie would make my Thanksgivings complete. But I could not find tart cherries anywhere – not canned, not frozen (unless I wanted to […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2021 – 3 Weeks and Counting!

This post has been edited from the one originally published on Thursday, November 3, 2011. If you followed the advice in my post last Thursday, perhaps you you thought about how many guests you will be hosting on Thanksgiving. What about your menu?  The more solidified your menu, the more you can start prepping. Coincidentally, […]

Roasted Vegetables with Carrot Romesco Sauce Recipe

If you are hosting Thanksgiving or you are going to a potluck and need a new dish, I’ve got you covered.  First off, I must mention that my new updated 2022 Thanksgiving ebook is available!!  It has 10 new recipes from last year’s ebook with a total of OVER 100 recipes in one PDF with […]