Colcannon with Cauliflower and Kale Recipe

There are two ways I go on St. Patrick’s Day – an Irish-inspired meal and/or food that is (naturally) green.  I had to laugh when I read that in Ireland, since St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday, people often get take-out, like pizza.  Why in the States are we guzzling green beer with our corned […]

Crispy Baked Tofu Recipe

I taught this basic oven-baked crispy tofu in a class a million years ago and refer to it all the time. I also put a chipotle version of it in my cookbook, Quicker Than Quick. Then I posted a reel on Instagram, but not everyone is on Instagram so I need a permanent home for […]

Dinner Planner – Week of February 7, 2022

Last chance to join two game-changing bootcamps!  Do check out Plant-Based 2.0 if you are looking to do a deeper dive into plant-based eating and cooking.  The plant-based diet is truly the best way to eat for most people. It doesn’t mean vegan and you don’t have to give up all animal products forever.  This […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 27th, 2021

Merry Christmas, All!  Once again, the holidays are not quite back to normal, but I hope you and your loved ones can still find joy and much for which to be grateful this season.  I am more than thankful I can spend Christmas week with my mom and family and we are still cooking up […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 29, 2021

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Thank you for bringing me into your kitchens and making me a part of your special holidays and family traditions.  I can’t tell you how honored I feel every time I see a photo on Instagram or receive an email fo your success stories!   I appreciate each and […]