Dinner Planner – Week of July 18, 2022

My mom, my aunt and my daughters are visiting this week and through the weekend for a family event and we are having a blast!  I am hoping to convince my aunt to join me for my regular Instagram live on Monday at 5:00 pm, but we’ll see. My mom needs no convincing and will be there with bells on and an Aperol spritz lol!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Greek Shrimp with Tomatoes and Feta Recipe

I can eat shrimp any which way and my kids love it too, so I always keep it in the freezer for a quick weeknight meal.  I buy wild peeled and deveined frozen shrimp from my local Costco and either defrost it all day in the fridge or take the shrimp I want and defrost it in cold water (usually takes about 15 minutes.) This preparation is healthy, light, easy, and QUICK!!  It is packed with flavor and goes beautifully over rice, cauli rice, potatoes or toasted bread.Continue reading

Lemon-Ricotta Soufflé with Blueberries Recipe

I’m back!  It was a perfect 11 days in NY and we ended on a high note, which is always good.  On the flight home, I seemed to have developed a little sore throat something or other, so I’ll be testing all the time until I figure it out.  In the meantime, let’s have some blueberry soufflé fun!Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of July 4, 2022

If you are in the NY area right now, wow!  This weather has been amazing.  We have had a perfect week with my family doing all the things we normally do and keeping life simple.  We are here through July 4th and then we head back to California.  For my monthly online cooking class subscribers, the new July class is getting sent to you this weekend!  It might be one of my favorite classes yet!  If you are not yet a subscriber, try a class out!  I promise you will learn a lot about being a better cook, health and nutrition, and learning how to adapt recipes to suit your style. The recipes are brand new and won’t be published for at least a year, but it’s also so nice to be a part of this special community!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of June 27, 2022

You know what time of year it is!  I am going to Long Island to hang with my family! Follow along on Instagram or Facebook as my sisters, my mom, my aunt and I cook up a storm, have long coffee talks in the morning, walk along the beach, sneak away from the kids on a canoe and play Rummikub until we’re blue in the face!  How do we manage to cook meals for so many people all week?  It’s called a GOOGLE DOC and we all help out, including the kiddos.  I repeat a lot of the same recipes year after year, because why not?! 

Also, I wanted to let you guys know about a great course my favorite organizing gurus, Inspired Everyday Living, are launching, called Declutter and Manifest Laura and Alison are more than just organizers. They really value the home as a reflection of who you are and the life you want to live.  I highly recommend this course!! 

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of June 20, 2022

A lot of you have started your summers this week with kids now out of school.  I used to love it when my children could be more relaxed and not stressed out about homework and running to activities.  Plus YAY! no more making school lunches at 6:30 in the morning! Buuuut, providing structure so they didn’t get “bored” or sit on devices all day was a challenge.  I have an idea – tell your kids to make dinner once a week.  Tell them to find a recipe and you’ll shop for it and they can make it!  That’s how I learned how to cook – I wanted something different from my mom’s standard weekly meals (which were delicious, but on repeat a lot!), so I found recipes for things I wanted to eat!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week: Continue reading

Lemon-Garlic Aquafaba Dressing Recipe

Little secret – I love using vegan mayo in salad dressings when I want a thick and creamy dressing. I am not a mayo fan otherwise, and I especially do not care for traditional egg-based mayonnaise. It’s too eggy tasting for me.  I’m not trying to yuck on your yum!  But I know a lot of people do not like using mayonnaise for a variety of reasons. Other swaps may include raw cashew butter + water, Greek yogurt, or aquafaba, the liquid leftover from cooking chickpeas.  I shared an aquafaba chocolate mousse recipe recently and now I want to share a totally different way to use this unique ingredient that you have probably thrown away a thousand times:  in salad dressing!Continue reading