Red Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp Recipe

Time for another 15-minute meal!  I love shrimp and all seafood, and it really comes in handy for a quick, light weeknight meal.  Add in flavor boosters like Thai curry paste and I can’t go wrong.  I just clean out the crisper drawer and essentially throw everything together.  If I’m hungry, I make rice.  If […]

Okonomiyaki-Inspired Veggie Pancake Recipe

I took a little break from posting both here and on social media but I’m back. And with a GOOD one! This is one of those recipes that will reward you if you’re open-minded.  There will be some of you who will look past this Japanese vegetable pancake, also known as Okonomiyaki,  and think it’s […]

Vegetarian Mushroom Wellington Recipe

I hope you are having a lovely holiday season!  Hubs and I are so enjoying being with all the kids.  There is truly nothing better. Once the kids leave, you relish any time you spend with them!  We had the best visit with my family on Long Island and now we are in Utah with […]

Marinated Seared Ahi Recipe

Seafood is my animal protein of choice, but I am well aware that a lot of fish have contaminants and even high levels of mercury.  Like all food groups, I try to aim for variety, but minimize the toxic burden.  I will come clean and admit that I LOVE tuna of all varieties.  But ordering […]

Quinoa Salad with Cherries, Almonds, Celery, and Pecorino Recipe

This is one of my favorite salad recipes that I don’t make very often because cherries are in season for 5 minutes a year! It follows a classic formula that I love which is a green + a grain + a seasonal fruit + a cheese + a nut or seed.  It’s simple and easy […]