Greek Shrimp with Tomatoes and Feta Recipe

I can eat shrimp any which way and my kids love it too, so I always keep it in the freezer for a quick weeknight meal.  I buy wild peeled and deveined frozen shrimp from my local Costco and either defrost it all day in the fridge or take the shrimp I want and defrost […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 4, 2022

If you are in the NY area right now, wow!  This weather has been amazing.  We have had a perfect week with my family doing all the things we normally do and keeping life simple.  We are here through July 4th and then we head back to California.  For my monthly online cooking class subscribers, […]

Dinner Planner – Week of June 13, 2022

My baby, affectionately referred to since the inception of this website as Mr. Picky, is graduating high school this weekend!  OMG.  Very emotional week for me.  I am proud of course, excited for his future, and a bit weepy that he will be fleeing the nest in a few months.  I am grateful Hubs and […]

Dinner Planner – Week of May 30, 2022

It is probably your last opportunity to take a bootcamp live with me!  I am repeating two very popular bootcamps, Back to Basics AND Meal Planning | Meal Prepping | Batch Cooking, at a time that I think is perfect.  Summer is more relaxed; people may be traveling, but there are fewer commitments, especially for […]

Roasted Red Pepper Vinaigrette and a Grilled Vegetable Primer

As you know, I am on a mission to get you to live your best, healthiest life.  The way I am going to do that is to help you cook more often at home with whole, minimally processed ingredients.  I am here to show you that making delicious, healthful food is easier than you think!  […]