Shawarma Roasted Broccoli Recipe

Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

Before my husband went plant-based, he used to go crazy for the chicken shawarma recipe from Kitchen Matters.  We both love Middle Eastern and Mediterranean flavors, and it’s really the spices and flavor boosts that make chicken shawarma what it is.  So why not take those spices to season broccoli, one of our favorite vegetables?Continue reading

Fall Salad with Apples and Walnut Vinaigrette Recipe


Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

I was hoping to squeeze this beautiful salad recipe in before the Jewish holidays, but it just didn’t happen.  The good news is that Fall is just getting started which means we’ll have fresh apples for a bit more!  Yes, apples have a season.  Yes, I know we see them all year.  But they are freshly picked August through October.  The rest of the year the apples have been picked in the fall and kept in cold storage.  In my opinion, apples are tastiest right now!Continue reading

Grain-Free Coffee Cake with Crumb Topping Recipe


Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

I am going to come clean right away with respect to this cake.  I taught it in about 16 classes and have made it at my house for friends and family many times and made it twice at my mom’s house this summer and it’s always the biggest hit.  The day I made it for my website, the power went out in my neighborhood while the cake was in the oven.  I didn’t have enough ingredients to make another one.  And we were on a tight schedule with 15 other recipes to make and shoot that day.  I had no idea what to do.Continue reading

How to Make a Braided and Round Challah Recipe


Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

Growing up Catholic, I was not taught how to make challah, a traditional Jewish braided egg bread.  I don’t even remember the first time I tasted it.  It could have been in college.  But I did know how to make bread from scratch with yeast and I enjoyed the process.  It seemed so magical but easy at the same time and with such simple ingredients – flour, yeast, water and salt for a basic bread.Continue reading

Grain-Free Apple Tarte Tatin Recipe


Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

September means apples!  I know we see apples every single day in the supermarket, but now is when they are in season.  IMHO, apples taste so much more delicious in the fall.  I have my favorite varieties (e.g. Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, Opal, Ambrosia) and I actually prefer cooked apples over raw.  Have you made the stuffed baked apples yet from Kitchen Matters?  So so good! Continue reading

Cilantro-Lime Slaw Recipe


Photography by Victoria Wall Harris


This was originally posted in 2011 and needed a refresh! Here’s the original post:

I consider myself a good eater, that is I like a wide variety of foods and I am willing to try almost anything.  But I have my own personal standards (which my husband calls being a party pooper) and even though I don’t believe there are any “bad” foods, there are some that just don’t appeal to me.  You can imagine what some of these things are, but one food that I have never gotten into is deli coleslaw.  It’s often a side with sandwiches or wraps, but I have wondered if most people eat it or does it end up in the garbage?  This type of coleslaw always seems so tired to me, overdressed with mayonnaise and soggy.  And I always have the feeling it was made a way long time ago.  But it’s such a shame, because the foundation of coleslaw is something actually quite good for you — cabbage.  So full of Vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, plus it’s cheap.  I decided it was high time to revisit coleslaw and give it a makeover.Continue reading

Grilled Pizza Recipe


Photography by Victoria Wall Harris


I’m back in LA after the most special and perfect week on Long Island.  I went for it.  Traveling is dicey these days as we all know, but I did everything I could to reduce my risk and be with my family whom I haven’t seen since Christmas.  The N95 nose pain and sweaty face from wearing a tight mask for so many hours was worth it.Continue reading

Grilled Caesar-ish Romaine Salads Recipe

Photography by Victoria Wall Harris

I am on vacation this week on Long Island with my family and I really had no idea how much I needed a break and a change of scenery.  I wish I had planned for 2 weeks here since 5 days in and I’m just starting to unwind.  We are having a great time hanging out, cooking together, swimming, puzzling, and the usual.  We aren’t going on any outings obviously, but it’s no big deal.Continue reading