Grilled Squash Salad Recipe

Let’s do one last zucchini/summer squash recipe before fall!  I’ve been on a zucchini kick this year, and I don’t even grow it.  It is just a vegetable that my whole family really likes despite the fact (or maybe because) that it’s kind of bland.  I’ve even taken to steaming it and freezing it for smoothies (just 1/4 cup in one smoothie.)Continue reading

“Lasagna-Style” Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe

First of all, I am going to burst I am so excited that my newest, never before seen BOOTCAMP is open for sign-ups!!  We start next week and it’s called Raising Healthy Eaters and it is your answer to how to raise children who have a healthy relationship with food, can make good choices when they are away from you, and how to stop being a short order cook.  If you’re new here, I raised three children (two of whom were really picky and now they’re not!), taught over a thousand students (mostly moms) in person over the years, and educated hundreds of elementary school students in nutrition and gardening.  I’ve been there, seen it, heard it, counseled, learned, and implemented my strategies FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES with incredible success.  I have poured all my knowledge into this course and I cannot wait to change your life!!!  For my website subscribers and my students, I am sweetening the deal with a $100 off coupon code:  KIDS100Continue reading

Crackle Top Blueberry Cobbler Recipe

This crackle top blueberry cobbler was my go-to summer dessert in 2020 and because I didn’t entertain as much last year (ahem #quarantine), it is my go-to summer dessert in 2021!  Fruit cobblers and crisps are nothing new, but when you serve them, everyone’s face lights up.  Dare I say they will always be in style?Continue reading

Hibiscus Mocktail Recipe

I’m on a mocktail kick this year.  What started with my Ginger-Lime Mocktail has expanded to my latest Hibiscus Mocktail!  I certainly love a nice refreshing cocktail or a good glass of wine every now and then.  But I don’t need alcohol to have a good time or relax and I really don’t love when I feel yuck the next morning. Continue reading

Hemp Seed Pesto Recipe

In the last few years, one of my nutrition goals has been to mix it up.  What does that mean?  It means that I am not eating the same ingredients/foods over and over again. I am diversifying in order to expose myself (and my family) to different nutrients and different types of fiber which can help keep my gut microbiome flourishing.  Plus, variety is the spice of life!Continue reading

Roasted Ratatouille Recipe

Bootcamps are back and if you haven’t taken one with me, I am repeating my two most popular bootcamps starting next week!! I have received rave reviews from Plant Based 1.0 and Meal Planning/Meal Prep/Batch Cooking.  I am teaching skills for life.  I am changing the way you see things.  I am your personal kitchen coach for 4 weeks.  Click the links for more info and for my website subscribers, I am sweetening the offer with a $100 discount.  Use the code PB100 for the Plant Based course and MEAL100 for the Meal Planning course!Continue reading

Grilled Halibut with Watermelon Pico de Gallo Recipe

I’m on a bit of a watermelon kick lately.  It’s likely because wherever I seem to go, it’s hot and muggy and I just keep craving watermelon!  It is one of the most hydrating and cooling foods out there. Watermelon is actually more than 90% water.  But it’s also high in vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene (which gives it its red color.) I don’t usually wax poetic about all the nutrients in plant foods because I think they’re all good for you, but I think sometimes we think that if a food is mostly water, it’s not overly beneficial.  Not the case!Continue reading