Mini Taco Stuffed Potatoes Recipe

This recipe is not a recipe and more an idea that I hope you can take for inspiration without needing a recipe.  I hope that makes sense! We are not having a Super Bowl party inasmuch as a mini Super Bowl gathering with a few friends. The big news is that my daughter Emma will be visiting from Dallas and I could not be more excited! Continue reading

Vegan Brookies Recipe (Gluten-free)

BIG NEWS!!!  I am offering two game-changing bootcamps starting next week!  I would love to have you in Plant-Based 2.0 if you are looking to do a deeper dive into plant-based eating and cooking.  The plant-based diet is truly the best way to eat for most people. It doesn’t mean vegan and you don’t have to give up all animal products forever.  This is my favorite course I have ever created.  Please join me and other great members of my community.  There’s no time like the present to eat and cook for better health!  Please use the code YESPB2 for $100 off and I do have payment plan options!  The other course I am starting next week is Raising Healthy Eaters. I taught this once before and my email was flooded with success stories and gratitude after this course.  Believe me, I have been there and I have also come out the other end with three healthy eaters. If you are struggling, join me next week.  You will be in good hands.  🙂 Use the code KIDS100 for $100 off the course!Continue reading

Thai Coconut Chicken Soup Recipe

This was originally published in January 2014, but I have been making it again on the regular and thought the website needed updated photos! 

You know what is just the worst?  Getting sick.  Life is great until you feel horrible.  I think most of us run around like maniacs until we’re so wiped out while our poor bodies are trying to tell us to slooooooow down and get some rest.  First it’s a little whisper like feeling so tired.  But we don’t listen.  Then we get a sore throat.  We don’t listen.  Then our bodies have to whack us over the head with a crazy cold and body aches until we have no other choice but to stay in bed.  A friend of mine who came down with a bad cold said to me the other day,”If I just spent a little time in bed resting when I wasn’t sick, maybe I would have stayed healthy!”  I think she’s onto something.Continue reading

Gluten Free Raisin Bran Muffins Recipe

My friend Peggy Curry is a local celebrity in Manhattan Beach. Peggy taught cooking classes for many years and she founded a nonprofit organization called Growing Great which is how I initially met her.  Growing Great teaches kids at the elementary school level about nutrition and gardening.  The program is in dozens of schools and has impacted thousands and thousands of children.  I was on the board for about 7 years and I also volunteered as a school docent for about 10 years.  Peggy is an absolute visionary who has changed many, many lives!Continue reading

Kung Pao Cauliflower Recipe

If you’re trying to eat more plants and have been struggling with new ideas and making plants taste flavorful and interesting, I am here to help! Before I continue, I am giving you one last chance to join my very popular Meal Planning | Meal Prep | Batch Cooking Bootcamp which starts THURSDAY, JANUARY 13th!  I am offering two times, either 9:00 am PT or 1:00 pm PT and payment plans are available.  You don’t have to attend live of course. Click here for more information and use the code MEAL100 for $100 off!Continue reading

9 Healthy Soups to Start the New Year

I’m all for a reset every now and then if I’ve gotten myself into some habits that don’t make me feel good.   I have the type of personality that can fall into habits easily, good or bad, but it can be tough for me to break them.  But I don’t plan for any special restrictive diet on January 2.  Yes, I like Prolon (a modifed fast for longevity) and Kroma (a reset), which are both very different from each other but also not “cleanses.” I think the whole idea of a “cleanse” is confusing.  Eating nutritious food is not going to “cleanse” me of past poor eating.  Sweating, going to the bathroom, and a properly functioning liver can help remove toxins from the body.  But instead, I like to start off the year eating food that brings me back to the way I like to feel.  I make a lot of soups at this time of year. I like warm food in the winter and soups are both digestible and filling.  If you’re trying to get out of holiday food mode, try soup for dinner every night for a week! These are some of my favorites and ones that you may have forgotten about:Continue reading

Mini Carrot Dogs in a Blanket Recipe

Be prepared to be blown away by this recipe!  It’s totally crazy and fun and everyone will go wild for it.  Is it health food?  Eh, not exactly.  I don’t think packaged biscuit dough is health food, but baby carrots are a million times better for you than processed hot dogs!  And believe me when I tell you that you will think you are eating a little pig in a blanket.Continue reading

Sheet Pan Pancakes Recipe

Whether you are cooking for a lot of people or you want an easy breakfast for Christmas morning, I’ve got you covered.  I no longer make pancakes to order in a skillet when I’m at my mom’s house.  The kids devour these sheet pan pancakes and I just take orders before I stick the sheet pan in the oven.  Usually the kids want the chocolate chips and the adults opt for fruit. Continue reading