Dinner Planner – Week of October 26th, 2020

It’s feeling like fall and because I’ve finished two out of four classes for the Thanksgiving bootcamp, I have Thanksgiving on the brain!  I know Halloween is coming next weekend, but I think it’s going to be quieter than usual around here.  A couple of things to mention before you delve into this week’s dinner planner:

  • My monthly online cooking class students, I will be going live on our private FB page on Tuesday 10/27 at 5pm PT.  I can’t wait to connect with you then!
  • The all-new, updated 2020 Thanksgiving e-book will be available for purchase Thursday of this week.  Why Thursday?  Because it’s 4 weeks before Thanksgiving!
  • People have asked about joining the Thanksgiving bootcamp.  Unfortunately, it has already started.  You can certainly watch the first two classes on your own if you like.  Please email my assistant Erika if you’re interested.  pamelasassistant@gmail.com
  • I will be repeating the Plant-Based Bootcamp in January and I am currently working on a Plant-Based Bootcamp 2.0 as a follow-up.  I will likely launch that in February.  Students will have had to have completed the first Plant-Based Bootcamp.  I will also be repeating my original Healthy Cooking Made Quick and Easy Bootcamp after the new year!
  • Make sure you’re subscribed to my site so you get first dibs on spots.  🙂

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of October 19th, 2020

I changed it up a little this week and I decided to not watch the news.  I needed a break from the “breaking news” every hour of every day.  I may have been “out of it,” but I was healthier for it.  I still enjoy my walks every morning outside and I listen to podcasts instead.  I choose the information that I want to hear and learn more about.  Hint: I’m keeping it positive ;). Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner Week of October 12th, 2020

At this time last year, I was perfecting my Thanksgiving menu for November and getting physically ready for the most taxing month of the year for me.  In the first three weeks of November, I typically teach FIVE in-person classes a week.  FIVE.  It was Thanksgiving, after all.   People needed a refresher, or a pep talk, or a tutorial on how to get it all done with NO STRESS.  Does anyone need more stress right now? I don’t think I could handle it.  Not even a little.

No in-person classes right now, friends. My answer to everyone’s Thanksgiving cooking class prayers is my online Thanksgiving Bootcamp WHICH STARTS ON THURSDAY! You can join here!  I will be your private Thanksgiving coach and you will have the support of an amazing group of people in my community who have already signed up for this course.  I know they’re amazing because they’ve taken ALL my bootcamps.  If there’s one thing I can do it’s teach.  And people who took my in-person classes, took them monthly for years (I’m talking 10-12 years.)

If you need help with ANY holiday whether it’s Thanksgiving or Christmas, take this bootcamp.  If you are even considering spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a mediocre supermarket Thanksgiving meal, take my bootcamp.  If you think a turkey is impossible to cook properly, take my bootcamp.  If you dream about taking a walk, a proper shower, and enjoying a leisurely breakfast Thanksgiving morning when you have a crowd coming for dinner, take my bootcamp.  What do I have to do to see you in class?  How about a discount code for $50 off?  Use the code TDAY50 and I’ll see you Thursday!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of October 5th, 2020

Does anyone else feel like we are living in a real life Twilight Zone?  Or is it just me?  Just when I thought things couldn’t get crazier, they do.  We always have cooking!  We can control what we cook, what we eat, when we eat it.  I am looking for some tasty, comforting food this week.  How about you? Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of September 28th, 2020

I have a few spots left in my Plant-Based Bootcamp which starts on TUESDAY!  I am repeating the course due to demand and honestly, I loved teaching it and I will otherwise have bootcamp withdrawl!  If you are even remotely curious about:

  • what plant-based means;
  • how to do it right;
  • how to figure out what the best version of plant-based looks like for you;
  • how to get the nutrients you need;
  • how to not gain weight eating plant-based;
  • how to make plants taste good; and all your other struggles and questions…

SIGN UP because I have no idea if and when I’ll teach this course again and you will not regret it.  It’s fun to watch live, but you don’t have to.  Every participant receives the recording to watch as many times as he or she wants, so you’ll never miss a class!  I am offering a discount code PB100 for $100 off.  Learn more here!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of September 21st, 2020

For those of you celebrating, Happy New Year!  Although I have always felt that September was the start of a new year.  I hope the beginning of school and possibly the return to work outside the home have been an easy transition for you.  My mother-in-law always hosts the first night of Rosh Hashanah, so I am baking challahs today and bringing birthday cakes for Mr. Picky (17 today!) and my older daughter who turns 24 next week.

For anyone who missed out on joining my Plant Based Bootcamp, you have one more chance!  I am repeating the course starting September 29th!  This is a live course, but only about 2/3 of the participants attend live.  Everyone has unlimited access to the recorded classes immediately after I teach them.  But since the Q&A portion of each class is live, I limit the number of spots so all my bootcamps sell out.  This is the last time I will offer this course in 2020, so do not hesitate to sign up HERE if you are interested.  The feedback I have been receiving from this bootcamp has been phenomenal and I am confident that you will learn so much and be changed afterwards.  If there is one thing I am good at it is teaching!  I have taught healthy cooking classes for over 12 years and all my in-person students are repeat customers who have been attending my classes for years and years, even 10 and 12 years!  I’ll leave you with that and an early bird discount code PB100 for $100 off the course.  See you in class!!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of September 14th, 2020

School is in full swing for almost everyone I know.  By “full-swing,” I do not mean back to normal, by any means.  I feel for you parents with elementary children at home.  I know you have a lot on your plate right now.  We can all only do the best we can and that is absolutely good enough.  If cooking dinner isn’t going to happen most nights, then that’s what it is.  No shame in that.  When energy is low and time is tight, I am a big fan of picking the easiest recipes in my repertoire and just repeating them week after week. No one will ask for a their money back.

My monthly online cooking class subscribers, your new class was uploaded earlier this week and I know you will love it!  If you missed my FB live with our group, I’ll schedule another one in a week or so.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week and Happy New Year to anyone celebrating!Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of September 7, 2020

This Labor Day weekend is very different from all past LDW’s.  I have no kids going to school, but instead participating in school at home.  No lunches to make at 6:00 am.  No breakfasts to prep in advance.  No in-person cooking classes to resume after a summer break.  It doesn’t feel like the “fresh start” of years past.  We will continue to roll with the punches, not let the uncertainty of the current situation get the best of us, stay hopeful, not veer from what we know is the best path for balance and healthfulness since we need our strength more than ever.

What I will also be doing is thinking of ways to continue to support you in feeding yourselves and your families.  This has been and continues to be my life’s work and I am here for you! For those of you that didn’t get into my Plant-Based bootcamp which started last week, I will be repeating it as soon as this course is over.  Stay tuned!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading