Strawberry-Ginger Shrub Recipe

Strawberry-Ginger Shrub | Pamela Salzman

Strawberry-Ginger Shrub | Pamela Salzman

I am the type of person that eats something once and enjoys it so much that I’ll keep making it and eating it over and over again until I’m just plain tired of it.  This would happen more often than it does only because I have to test recipes and post new and inspiring food on my blog and social media regularly.  But if I’m being honest, I would otherwise repeat what I eat A LOT!Continue reading

Grilled Vegetables with Romesco Sauce Recipe

Romesco Sauce Recipe | Pamela Salzman


Photographs by Erica Hampton

Romesco is my new favorite addiction! Not to be confused with Romanesco, a seriously gorgeous chartreuse vegetable which looks like is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower, Romesco is a delicious Spanish dip/sauce which combines roasted red peppers and almonds and other flavorful ingredients.  I love it so much that I eat it straight out of the bowl, but it’s also amazing on roasted or grilled vegetables, with grilled or roasted protein, or with crudites.Continue reading

Seasonal Fruit Sundaes with Coconut Dulce De Leche Recipe

Seasonal Fruit Sundaes with Coconut Dulce De Leche | Pamela Salzman


Seasonal Fruit Sundaes with Coconut Dulce De Leche | Pamela Salzman
Photos by Erica Hampton

Load me up with fruit in the summer and that’s all I need. But let’s not pretend we’re here for the “seasonal fruit” today.  I am using the fruit as a vehicle to consume as much of this coconut dulce de leche as possible.  Fact about me in case we’re ever on a game show together and you get asked what’s my favorite dessert.  The correct answer is ice cream.  Always and forever.Continue reading

The Best Turkey Meatloaf Recipe

Turkey Meatloaf | Pamela Salzman

Turkey Meatloaf | Pamela Salzman

I’m going to visit my family on Long Island soon which means I am putting together a mega meal plan for the week.  Feeding 15 people of all different ages breakfast, lunch and dinner requires some careful planning.  I usually do the menus as well as take on the role of head chef.  My mother typically does the grocery shopping and helps with the cooking.  My two sisters also help with the cooking and washing of the dishes.  The little ones set and clear the table and occasionally I get one or two of them in the kitchen with me.  It’s a good way to spend time together and make sure not one person (like me LOL) does everything.Continue reading

Roasted Cauliflower with Almond-Herb Sauce Recipe

Roasted Cauliflower with Almond-Herb Sauce | Pamela Salzman
Roasted Cauliflower with Almond-Herb Sauce | Pamela Salzman
Photography by Erica Hampton

I just roasted cauliflower last night, in the middle of summer, and it was so delicious.  I think I avoid roasting vegetables in the summer in favor of the grill or eating vegetables raw.  But it’s hard to beat the ease and flavor of roasted vegetables, especially cauliflower which is a vegetable I eat all year round. I might go out on a limb and say cauliflower is my favorite vegetable.Continue reading

Watermelon-Feta Bites Recipe

Watermelon-Feta Bites | Pamela Salzman


Watermelon-Feta Bites | Pamela Salzman
Photography by Erica Hampton

Who needs some simple summer bites that you can whip up with few ingredients on a moment’s notice for impromptu gatherings or hosting friends at home after a day at the beach?  That would be me!  It’s not too much to ask, right? My friends love coming to visit me at the beach in the summer and I love having them, but I also don’t want to be in the kitchen all the day.  I love making these fun and festive (and healthy) watermelon skewers because they’re fresh and tasty, and they’re not heavy or too filling.  I prefer a light bite before dinner. My goal is not to roll my friends out the door after I feed them!Continue reading

Chocolate Energy Smoothie from “How To Be Well”

Chocolate energy smoothie from "How To Be Well" | Pamela Salzman
Chocolate energy smoothie from "How To Be Well" | Pamela Salzman
Photos by Erica Hampton

It’s smoothie weather! I’ve mentioned on the blog before that I don’t do smoothies when the weather is cool or cold.  And in general, I actually try not to eat too many smoothies on an empty stomach.  An acupuncturist told me decades ago not to consume ice cold beverages with meals as they squelch the digestive fires. The same goes for cold smoothies which also may cause digestive problems and cause you to feel cold – not a good thing when it’s cold outside.  When the weather warms up, I am more inclined to drink a smoothie, although I still start my day with warm water with lemon.Continue reading