One Pot Mediterranean Quinoa Recipe

I LOVE a one pot meal! If you haven’t tried any of my one pot barley or farro recipes, you must! I know many people need to avoid gluten grains, so I thought I would make a version with quinoa. Quinoa is a light, fluffy seed that feels like a grain. It’s technically a pseudo-cereal, so many people who can’t tolerate grains, do well with quinoa. You know I’ll add vegetables anywhere I can, and this recipe is so easy and so flexible. Quinoa needs flavor boosters, so I love the olives here, as well as the dried herbs. If you dislike olives, use half the amount of capers. If you dislike capers too, add some feta or another salty cheese before serving. This is a great meal prep recipe and is awesome in school lunch boxes or to bring to the office. If you decide to swap in some stock for some or all of the water, adjust the added salt in case the stock has salt. Remember, be conservative – you can always add more salt later.

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Roasted Beet Greek Salad with Olive Vinaigrette Recipe

I had a roasted beet Greek salad with olive vinaigrette at a favorite LA restaurant, Jon & Vinny’s, and asked myself, “why didn’t I think of this??” The olive vinaigrette was a great twist (instead of having whole olives in the salad) and I am always trying to find ways to enjoy beets since they’re so good for you. If you hate olives, no big deal. Just omit and add a little more salt to the dressing to taste. You may try some capers instead which are also briny and salty. Since restaurant prices and extra fees are making dining out a very expensive activity, I have been posting more and more restaurant dupes on my social media channels.

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Panzanella with Chickpeas, Tomato Vinaigrette and Parmesan Croutons Recipe

Panzanella is a great way to use up leftover stale bread and you know how I love to NOT waste food! You can use any bread you like – gluten-free, grain-free all work too. It is classic to make panzanella with juicy tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and basil, but you can switch it up during different seasons.  Chickpeas are not a common ingredient in panzanella, but I love adding them to make this a main dish.  Also, the vinaigrette in this recipe is amazing. You can also make a crouton-less and chickpea-less version of this salad + the vinaigrette and use that as a topping for grilled steak, chicken or a side of fish. Just chop up the veg a little smaller! 

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Parmesan Baked Tofu with Burst Cherry Tomatoes Recipe

Why you’ll love this parmesan baked tofu recipe

  • it will be your new favorite way to make tofu; 
  • super flavorful; 
  • recipe comes together in no time;
  • you can use the parmesan mix on chicken for different eaters; 


  • Tofu – I use firm or extra-firm tofu. I do prefer organic and Trader Joes sells sprouted tofu if that’s something important to you. The secret to making a nice piece of crispy tofu is to press the moisture out of it. You can do this by wrapping the tofu block in paper towels and putting something heavy on it (like a skillet) for a couple minutes or using a tofu press like the one in the photo
  • Parmesan cheese – I love parmesan cheese! I get a block of parmigiano reggiano from Costco and grate it by hand or in the food processor. You can use pecorino (sheep’s milk cheese) or a vegan parmesan instead. 
  • Garlic powder – I like using garlic powder in place of fresh garlic when I want a subtle garlic flavor. 
  • Oregano – I use dried oregano in the seasoning mix for the tofu. 
  • Paprika – There are different kinds of paprika available. I use regular paprika in this recipe, also known as sweet paprika. 
  • Garlic – I use thinly sliced fresh garlic for the tomato sauce. They key is not to burn the garlic. You want it to be golden brown. 
  • Crushed red pepper flakes – is optional, but I find it to be a key ingredient when cooking tomatoes. They add a subtle spice kick. 
  • Tomatoes – I like to use cherry tomatoes, but you can use a large tomato as well. 
  • Basil leaves – basil and tomatoes go so well together. My grandma taught me to tear basil by hand so you don’t bruise it, especially if your knives are not sharp. 

How to make parmesan baked tofu

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F and line a small baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper.
  2. Squeeze the moisture out of the tofu by wrapping the block with paper towels and placing on a cutting board. Place something heavy, such as a skillet filled with cans, on top and allow it to sit for 15 minutes or longer. Alternatively, use a tofu press to press out the moisture. Cut tofu into 4 slabs.
  3. Place the oil in a medium-size dish that is big enough to dip in the tofu slabs. Mix the cheese, spices, salt and pepper in a separate dish.
  4. Dip the tofu slabs in oil (one at a time) and toss to coat. Then dip the tofu into the cheese mixture, coating all sides and place on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining tofu pieces.
  5. Bake in the oven for 35-45 minutes, or until golden.
  6. Make the sauce: heat oil in a medium sauté pan over medium-low heat. Add the sliced garlic and red pepper flakes and swirl until fragrant. When the garlic just starts to turn golden around the edges, increase the heat to medium and add tomatoes and a big pinch of salt plus pepper to taste. Cook tomatoes, stirring, until they start to lose their shape, about 5 minutes. Check seasoning and remove from heat. Stir in basil and spoon over tofu.


  • If you make a lot of tofu, it may be worth getting a tofu press. It helps press out the moisture out of tofu. This is the one I use. 
  • When sautéing garlic for the tomato sauce, be sure not to burn the garlic or else it will give a bitter flavor to the sauce. 
  • You can tear basil by hand if your knives are not super sharp. That way you don’t bruise the leaves. 


  • Tofu – boneless skinless chicken breasts – see this recipe 
  • Parmesan cheese – pecorino, vegan parmesan or nutritional yeast

Other recipes you may like 

*Crispy Baked Tofu 

*Baked Parmesan Chicken Caprese

*Grilled Chicken with Cherry Tomato Vinaigrette


If you give this parmesan baked tofu recipe a try, snap a pic and tag @pamelasalzman so I can see your beautiful creations. I also really appreciate readers taking the time to leave a rating and review! Subscribe for free to my site for the latest recipes,  updates and things I’m loving lately.  If you enjoy this recipe, I taught it last year in my online class!  Give me an hour a month, and I’ll make you a better, healthier cook!

5.0 from 4 reviews
Parmesan Baked Tofu with Burst Cherry Tomatoes
Serves: 2-4, depending on what else you're serving
  • Tofu:
  • 1 (12 to 15-ounce) firm or extra-firm tofu block
  • 1 Tablespoon unrefined cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil (you may need a smidge more)
  • ½ cup grated parmesan cheese (use vegan Parmesan if desired)
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
  • ¼ teaspoon paprika
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • ---------------------------------------------
  • Sauce:
  • 2 Tablespoons unrefined olive oil
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • Pinch crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • A few large basil leaves, torn by hand
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F and line a small baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper.
  2. Squeeze the moisture out of the tofu by wrapping the block with paper towels and placing on a cutting board. Place something heavy, such as a skillet filled with cans, on top and allow it to sit for 15 minutes or longer. Alternatively, use a tofu press to press out the moisture. Cut tofu into 4 slabs.
  3. Place the oil in a medium-size dish that is big enough to dip in the tofu slabs. Mix the cheese, spices, salt and pepper in a separate dish.
  4. Dip the tofu slabs in oil (one at a time) and toss to coat. Then dip the tofu into the cheese mixture, coating all sides and place on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining tofu pieces.
  5. Bake in the oven for 35-45 minutes, or until golden.
  6. Make the sauce: heat oil in a medium sauté pan over medium-low heat. Add the sliced garlic and red pepper flakes and swirl until fragrant. When the garlic just starts to turn golden around the edges, increase the heat to medium and add tomatoes and a big pinch of salt plus pepper to taste. Cook tomatoes, stirring, until they start to lose their shape, about 5 minutes. Check seasoning and remove from heat. Stir in basil and spoon over tofu.


Quinoa and Jicama Salad with Avocado Dressing Recipe

When I first moved to California over 30 years ago, I was introduced to the avocado and my love affair has continued.  I had never eaten an avocado before, nor had I tried guacamole. My then boyfriend (who is now Hubs) took me to a new fast casual restaurant called Baja Fresh and I ate a burrito with guacamole.  Holy deliciousness.  Now I buy avocados every week and smash them on toast, cube them into salads, turn them into pudding and brownies, mash them into guacamole, and blend them into dressings. I love their creaminess and healthy fats and fiber, and their versatility. I especially love this avocado dressing in this quinoa and jicama salad recipe I am sharing today.Continue reading

Spetses Braised Cod Recipe

Spetses is one of the Greek islands and a place I visited many years ago.  I love Greek food and I still remember this cod dish I had in Spetses which I have recreated often for weeknights with my family and dinners with friends. The recipe is written to serve 4, but you can easily increase to 6 if you can fit that number of filets in the skillet.  I am using cod here which is very commonly used in Mediterranean areas, but you can use halibut or whatever thicker white fish you have access to. I originally had the dish with zucchini, but I have swapped in fennel because it’s in season right now.  Definitely try it with zucchini in the summer!Continue reading

Mushroom Veggie Chili Recipe

If you didn’t notice that Thanksgiving is basically around the corner, I am here to remind you!  I am teaching a Thanksgiving bootcamp starting next week (!) which will get you so prepared, you will actually be EXCITED and LOOKING FORWARD to hosting and enjoying the Thanksgiving of your dreams. For my community, I always like to entice you with a good discount.  Take $100 off with code TDAY100.  You don’t have to watch live. I have payment plans available. You don’t have to use PayPal. You can watch the videos over and over and over again. You can ask me any and all questions.  I’m like your personal Thanksgiving consultant until the day of. Menu suggestions, how to deal with different types of eating styles, limited resources in the kitchen, no oven, how to deal with the worst in-laws ever.  Just kidding!  Sign up today.  We are going to have so much fun and you’ll be able to use these tips and systems forever!Continue reading

Skillet Pesto Chicken and Rice Recipe

It’s the perfect time to try a new one-pot meal!  September is like the New Year, in a way.  And I am back into a cooking routine, but I want to ease back into it.  This recipe is a twist on my favorite one-pot meal, Mediterranean Chicken with Rice.  There’s also another variation in my cookbook, Quicker Than Quick, called Weeknight Arroz con Pollo.  Delicious!Continue reading