Risotto Stuffed Tomatoes Recipe

Photos by Sarah Elliott
Photos by Sarah Elliott

I am a very spoiled tomato-eater.  Once you have tasted a summer tomato straight from the vine, you can never ever eat one out of season.  Tasting a flavorless, hard, mealy tomato is about as disappointing a culinary experience as you can get.  I used to go out into my father’s garden with a salt shaker, pick a tomato, shake the salt into my mouth for the first bite (because salt won’t cling to an uncut tomato), take a juicy bite and keep eating until I got a stomachache.  All worth it.  And if we were in Italy in the summer visiting family, forget it.  I was out of control. Because the only thing better than a tomato from my father’s garden is a tomato from a southern Italian garden.  The sun and soil do something magical to those tomatoes.

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Homemade Healthy Barbecue Sauce Recipe

homemade healthy barbecue sauce | pamela salzman

Is “barbecue” a verb or a noun or both or what?  I have said, “We’re going to barbecue tonight.”  But not, “I’d love some good barbecue tonight.”  Although since my daughter started to go to school in Texas, I’m starting to get used to the barbecue lingo.  And I do love me some barbecue!  My first meal when I go visit her is either my favorite juice bar (The Gem) or a barbecue joint (I die for Pecan Lodge.)

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Moscow Mule Popsicles Recipe


Photos by Sarah Elliott
Photos by Sarah Elliott

I am not a big drinker, but I do like a little something when I am having dinner with friends on the weekends.  I am partial to a class of red wine or rosé, and occasionally I love a fun cocktail.  My husband and I like different kinds of drinks, but one we agree on is a Moscow Mule, especially in the summer.  Have you had one?  It’s a very refreshing drink made from vodka, spicy ginger beer (which is not beer at all, but similar to ginger ale,) and lime juice, and served in a copper mug.  So good!

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Blueberry Oatmeal Cookie Recipe


Photos by Sarah Elliott
Photos by Sarah Elliott

I think there might be more than a billion cookie recipes out there.  Perhaps that is a slight exaggeration, but there are more cookie recipes than you and I can make in our lifetimes.  So thinking about the fact that there are zillions of cookie recipes at our fingertips, how come oatmeal cookies and chocolate chip cookies are the ones we always turn to?  They’re at every bake sale, picnic, BBQ, bakery, and in every dream I have about eating a dozen cookies in one sitting.  When I offer to bake homemade cookies for my family, what do you think they ask for? Yep!

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Deconstructed Bagel and Lox Salad Recipe

Photos by Sarah Elliott

I accept with gratitude the privilege of growing older, so I don’t want to complain about it.  But.  Every 5 years or so, I get away with less and less with respect to what I can eat.  Sure, I could exercise more.  But I’m kind of busy and I already exercise a healthy amount.  One of those foods that is over for me is the bagel.

Bagels are nothing anyone really needs in his or her life.  They are completely devoid of nutrition and loaded with simple carbohydrates (and I mean loaded) which turn into sugar lickety split (and then the pro-inflammatory hormone insulin surges and fat gets stored.)  Even if I were to exercise like a maniac to burn off so many carbs, there’s the fact that I don’t feel great after eating a bagel.

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Fluffy Whole Grain Lemon Poppy Seed Ricotta Pancakes Recipe

Fluffy Whole Grain Lemon Poppy Seed Ricotta Pancakes|Pamela Salzman

Pancakes are made once or twice a week in my house.  My whole family is crazy for them and I am have even taught my kids how to cook their own.  Many a morning I have to leave early for work, so I’ll make pancake batter the night before and pull it out in the morning before I go.  The kids know how to grease the griddle with coconut oil, sprinkle the pancakes with blueberries and flip when ready.

Fluffy Whole Grain Lemon Poppy Seed Ricotta Pancakes|Pamela Salzman

These ricotta pancakes came about when I had extra ricotta after a pizza night.  Being totally honest, I am not a huge fan of pasteurized cow dairy and I do try and limit it with my family.  Dairy is a bit inflammatory, somewhat hard to digest and full of hormones.  So we eat it sparingly.  But I have to admit, ricotta pancakes are delicious.  They’re everything I want a pancake to be — light, fluffy, but still hearty.  These are much higher in protein than a “normal” pancake and I love getting protein into the kids in the morning!  Add some lemon zest and poppy seeds for fun and smother them in fresh blueberry sauce and I am in heaven.

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Spiced Halibut and Lime Skewers Recipe

Photo by Sarah Elliott

I don’t know about you, but to me the perfect recipe is one that is tasty, easy, healthful, and appeals to everyone in my family.  That is a tall order for sure.  Most people that I talk to in my classes struggle with having a wide range of great entree recipes and that’s where I have a hard time, too.  I only like seafood, but my younger daughter doesn’t.  My husband likes everything well done, but I don’t.  My son likes everything plain and simple, but the rest of us like strong flavors.  You know how it goes.

Spiced Halibut Skewers|Pamela Salzman

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Strawberry-Rhubarb Cornmeal Crisp Recipe (no refined sugar added)

Photo by Sarah Elliott
Photo by Sarah Elliott

A crisp is one of my go-to desserts whenever I have friends over.  I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t thoroughly enjoy a bowl of drippy warm fruit with a sweet and buttery crunchy topping.  I have peach-blueberry and apricot-cherry on this site, but I mix and match fruit all the time.  I love that crisps are mostly fruit and I love using whatever fruit is in season.  They are super easy to make and can be prepped ahead in many ways.


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