Dinner Planner: Week of October 17th

I am feeling a little holiday-ed out today, and I am grateful for a short break before Halloween comes around.  Do you have your costume yet?  I just put mine together.  Stay tuned!

I am going to Dallas this week to teach a class and the bonus is I get to see my daughters, too.  My eating the last few weeks has not been what I like it to be so I will try to refrain from hitting the typical BBQ joints while I’m there. 😉  Have  great week!

Pamela Salzman's dinner planner

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Dinner Planner: Week of October 10th


Happy weekend!  I’m in Palm Springs this weekend with my family and my sister-in-law and her family.  We are attending Desert Trip, also known as “OldChella,” a three-day concert with “vintage” artists like The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Roger Waters and others.  It has been very fun and very civilized watching music with other AARP members (and almost-members.)  Palm Springs is hot as you know what right now, so as soon as I get back home, I am going to make the biggest acai bowl ever!!

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Dinner Planner: Week of October 2nd

For those of you celebrating the Jewish holidays, Happy New year to you!  I hope it is a sweet one (but not too sweet, hee hee.)  When I put together last week’s dinner planner, I completely forgot Sunday was the first night of Rosh Hashana!  It’s not one of my holidays to do, so it wasn’t on my radar.  My mother-in-law takes care of that dinner and I cook the lunch on the first day of Rosh Hashana.  Basically, a lot of eating happens in a 24 hour period of time!  Have a great week!

pamela salzman's dinner planner

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Dinner Planner: Week of September 26th

Bar mitzvah weekend is under way over here and I barely have time to talk to you today.  Hope you’re doing well!  I am having the best time with my family and friends and Mr. Picky has definitely risen to the occasion.  Ok, let’s get organized for dinners this week!

pamela salzman's dinner planner

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Dinner Planner: Week of September 19th

pamela salesman's dinner planner

Besides being back-to-school it is also back-to-football season!  We love watching a game or two on Sundays.  I always make a pot of soup or chili which can sit in a slow cooker on warm for a few hours and everyone can help themselves.  Here is a great dinner planner for the week!

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Dinner Planner: Week of September 12th

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Hello, friends!  I have had such a fun weekend in Palo Alto, celebrating the bat mitzvah of the daughter of one of my dearest friends.  It is such a lovely area and if you live up here, you are lucky indeed.  Back home today and back to the kitchen!  This week is the last week I will attempt to enjoy stone fruits.  They are sadly not in season any longer.  Sniff, sniff.  Tomatoes may be good for a few more weeks, as will eggplant, peppers and green beans.  And then you’ll see me using more winter squash, cruciferous veggies, grapes, figs, pomegranates and apples.  Have a great week!

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Dinner Planner: Week of September 5th

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Ah, the party’s over.  My last day of summer is Labor Day.  Mr. Picky starts school on Tuesday, so I have asked him to make a list of breakfasts, lunches and dinners he would happily eat.  So, many of this week’s dinner ideas come from my son.  I am not normally this democratic, but I believe in starting the year on a strong note!

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Dinner Planner- Week of August 29th

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Although I was very sad to leave the Golden Door, which is an incredibly magical and serene oasis, I came home inspired to cook. Every bite I ate there was so delicious, fresh and healthful.  I can’t wait to head to the farmers markets this weekend and load up on all the fresh produce that summer still has left.  If your kids are back to school, it’s time to start getting your meals organized again.  Olives, cheese and crackers aren’t going to cut it anymore!

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