Dinner Planner – Week of February 4th, 2019

Football is really the only professional sport I enjoy watching, so I am hoping for a great game on Sunday.  I will be rooting for LA, of course!  I am making a nice big crudites platter so that I don’t eat a thousand calories in chips and guacamole before I serve chili at halftime.  I’ve learned my lesson. For those of you in the Artic, yikes!  You’ve had a rough week.  I hope you are starting to thaw.  Make some warming soups with lots of ginger and spices, and don’t eat or drink anything cold.  You want to keep the body warm!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of January 28th, 2019

Hello, lovelies!  I had a great week back teaching classes again.  But even better is the quick weekend getaway happening right now in Park City.  My son has a long weekend from school, so my daughters decided to meet up with us here.  Nothing better for me.  I don’t even care that it’s too cold and I have drank more hot chocolate (really it’s cacao-collagen-maca) in the last 24 hours than I usually do in a month.  Yippee!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:

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Dinner Planner – Week of January 21st, 2019

People, I am toast.  Excited, thrilled, elated, but I need the weekend for some serious downtime.  I just spent the last 9 days straight shooting my entire next cookbook.  It is going to be fabulous and I know you are going to absolutely love it.  I can’t divulge the theme or much else, but know that I am putting everything I have into creating an incredible resource for you, so that you can be the best cook you can be.  We have to wait until 2020, but it will be worth it!  For my online cooking class students, I hope you saw the announcement on our private Facebook page that this month’s class is up and ready for you.

In the meantime, here’s your dinner planner for the week.  I hope you can glean some inspiration and motivation to do a little planning in advance.  If you write it down, it’s more likely to happen!Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of January 14th, 2019

I’m continuing my pantry purge, but I’m going to have to take a break from it for a short bit because I just started shooting my NEXT COOKBOOK (yippee!!) and I am bringing home a lot of food from the set.  And it is all DEE-licious!  Now I’m really getting excited for the book.  It doesn’t come out until early 2020 though so I won’t talk it up too much just yet.  In the meantime, I know many of you are challenging yourselves to use up things in the depths of your freezer and pantry, so this menu may be helpful.  In general, stir-fries, soups, pastas and bowls are a great way to use up odds and ends.  You should also feel confident swapping out ingredients in recipes (except baking unless you know what you’re doing.)  If you’re not sure, I’m happy to offer my opinion about any substitution. 

For my online cooking class students, I am doing a FB Live on our private Facebook page Saturday, January 12th at 9:00 am PST/12:00 pm EST!  I can’t wait to chat with you guys and I’ll give you an exclusive sneak peek of a behind the scenes of my cookbook shoot.  🙂

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:


Monday: Immune-Boosting Soup  (Lots of people have come down with viruses from traveling.  If this is you, this soup will fix you up!)

Tuesday: Three Pea Sauté with (or without) Turkey Bacon. You don’t have to use three types of peas – use all frozen peas if you want. Plus wild salmon roasted on a sheet pan with carrots.  Start the carrots first at 400 degrees and try to guess about 10 minutes before they’re done.  Then add the salmon, brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper.

Wednesday:  Thai Coconut Chicken Soup I’m going to add noodles to make this a meal.  If your family needs more, put out a DIY summer roll bar.

Thursday: Pantry Pasta with any frozen veggies that you happen to have.

Friday: Savory Strata with spinach and feta or a twist on this version with jarred roasted tomatoes, peppers, mozzarella, and your favorite fresh herb. This is a GREAT way to use up ends of bread and frozen hamburger buns that you’ve had since Labor Day Weekend!

Saturday lunch:  Big Green Detox Salad. Feel free to add roasted chicken or a boiled egg for protein.

Sunday: Kale and White Bean Minestrone  or Peruvian Soup with Cilantro from my cookbook  


Here’s what you can do ahead if it helps you:


Make all sauces, marinades and dressings

Make all stocks/broths.  Freeze anything that won’t get used within 4 days.

Wash salad greens

Cook dried beans unless using canned.


Make Kale and White Bean Minestrone or Peruvian Soup with Cilantro


Here’s a link to my previous dinner planners.

I have LOVED seeing all your creations of my recipes on Instagram.  If you make any of my recipes, please tag me @pamelasalzman #pamelasalzman so I can check them out!

Click here to learn more about my online cooking classes!

If you like my recipes, you’ll LOVE my cookbook!

Dinner Planner – Week of January 7th, 2019

Please note: this post contains a link to ProLon. If you make a purchase with this link, I may receive a small commission.

Hello, dear readers!  Forgive me for not posting a new recipe this week.  I really needed a little break and wanted to be fully present with my family during the holidays.  Plus, I hardly read anything that comes into my inbox between December 15th and January 3rd!

Everyone is talking about resolutions right now and I’ll be honest – I don’t really make any.  I always try my best every day to be kind and compassionate, to push myself out of my comfort zone so I can learn and grow, to stay true to what I know is a healthful way to live, and just as important, I am fully committed to my calling which is to help others be as healthy as possible.  As I have said many times, the first step towards good health is with good food, and you can’t achieve optimum health if you’re not cooking your own food.  That’s why I started teaching cooking classes over 10 years ago and why I have expanded my reach with my online cooking classes.  If you are committed to a healthier you, consider joining my online community of students.  My online classes are a mere fraction of what they cost in person and I teach much more than 5 recipes.  I teach techniques, how to adapt recipes, product advice and I make myself available on a private Facebook page regularly.  Click here for more information!

Other stuff:  my discount code for the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet has changed.  It is now:


Lastly, the price of my cookbook fluctuates a lot on amazon, and right now (I have no idea how long it will last) the price is a steal at $16!  Buy a few and you’ll always have a great hostess gift on hand 😉

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 24th, 2018

My sort-of vacation starts now, so I am very excited!  I have taught my last class of 2018, scheduled my last blogpost for next week and I am almost packed to go to NY with my family to celebrate Christmas.  I say “sort-of vacation” because I am working hard on my next book, which I am shooting in a few weeks.  Eeeek!  So exciting to be doing this again and my next book is going to be even better than the first!  I’ll post from NY if you’re interested to see how I cook three meals a day for 15 people and have fun doing it LOL.  In the meantime, have a very merry Christmas!!  

Here’s a great dinner planner for next week if you need some inspo:

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Dinner Planner – Week of December 17th, 2018

Please note: this post includes a link to ProLon. If you make a purchase using this link, I may receive a small commission.

I cannot believe that Christmas is about a week away!  Yikes!  I am both excited and overwhelmed.  Excited to spend a week on Long Island with my family, overwhelmed because I don’t have all my holidays gifts ordered or granola for the teachers made.  I will not leave the house this weekend until it is all done!  Some administrative news:

  • Check out the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet GIVEAWAY that I have going on one Instagram right now.  The prizes are valued at $302!
  • For my online cooking class students, the December class is UP!  Click here to purchase the December class if you are not a subscriber.  Click here to see all previous class offerings.  Online classes make a great holiday gift.  We’ll email the recipient a gift certificate from you!
  • Friday, December 21 is the last day that I will be signing cookbooks at Pages in Manhattan Beach.  Get your requests in pronto!

In the meantime, we’ve still got to eat.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading