Dinner Planner – Week of January 13th, 2020

I am FINALLY feeling better. Not 100%, but going in the right direction and better each day.  I only have a lingering cough which shows up at 8:00 pm every night until I fall asleep.  I can’t explain it.  Again, I improve a little every day.  Thank you for all your messages and words of encouragement!

I am doing a Facebook LIVE Saturday morning 1/11 at 9:30 am PT for all my online cooking class students!  I can’t wait to get back to our regular chats.  Also, I will be on Hallmark’s Home & Family this Tuesday, January 14th.  Check your local listings for details.

I am continuing to challenge myself to use what I have in the freezer and pantry and avoid grocery shopping, although I have no fresh fruit and very little fresh veg in the house so I will fill in this weekend with a little of that.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of January 6th, 2020

Please note: this post contains a link to ProLon. If you make a purchase with this link, I may receive a small commission.

Oh people, if you follow me on Instagram you know that I came down with the nastiest of nasty colds en route from NY to Utah on December 29th and I am still not over it.  Let me tell you that I never get sick.  Last time I was sick was two years ago and I knocked that cold out in 24 hours.  But I have been getting message upon message that this cold is the mother of all colds.  I was supposed to be taping my online class for January early next week, but I have no voice at the moment (par for the course of this cold) and I postponed it to Friday.  So all my online cooking class subscribers are going to have to wait a few more days than usual.  Thanks for understanding.

Also, I pulled together a great dinner planner for you all this week, but I am actually going to do what I always do in January – USE WHAT I’VE GOT!  I am going to keep grocery shopping to a minimum and try and bring my freezer down to nothing and use as much from my pantry as possible.  It’s a great challenge to get creative; you’ll save money; and you’ll help the environment by not throwing food away.  I am also going to try to make as many soups for dinner as possible. I have found that soup is the best way to end the day.  It is very digestible and light meal and can help promote better sleep, more balanced blood sugar and help maintain/lose weight.

Lastly, I am likely going to do my next Prolon Fast on January 12.  If you would like to join me, my discount code still works:  pamela25 and my advice is to order the original soups and not the new ones!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 30th, 2019

I hope your holidays have been merry and bright!  I have been taking some time off social media since Christmas to enjoy some much needed and rare family time.  I only spend two weeks of the year with my extended family, and this holiday has been rather emotional since my dad passed away in September.  We have really had a special week together.

I have been cooking a lot with my sisters and my daughters and I know you have been in the kitchen, too!  I have pulled together some inspiration for the coming week to keep us all eating well.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 23rd, 2019

And we’re off!  First stop, Long Island to celebrate Christmas with my family. I’ll be on stories the whole week, cooking up a storm!  Then, Utah to meet up with my husband’s family to ski for a few days. I was talking to a few friends this week about eating and drinking during the holidays and how so many people eat like they know they will doing a “cleanse” on January 2nd or Whole30 for the month of January.  How about we eat like we are healthy beings who want to stay healthy and feel good as often as possible?  I try to think that way as much as I can.  Food should not have power over us.  It is not going to solve our problems.  It can nourish us and provide enjoyment, yes. I’m just talking out loud so that I reinforce this with myself!  I hope you have a beautiful and joyous holiday.  XOXO

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 16th, 2019

The holidays are upon us!  I went to a Cookie Swap yesterday hosted by Bake From Scratch and it was loads of fun (and sugar, oy!).  I made the Peppermint Bark Shortbread from this month’s online cooking class and everyone raved about them!  It’s our secret that they are so easy.  I am making them again today for a huge cookie swap that I am co-hosting Sunday, December 15th at 11:00 am at the FeedFeed in downtown LA.  Guess what?  Because I am one of the co-hosts, I can invite YOU!  Here are the details and it’s totally free other than bringing, you guessed it, COOKIES to swap!  You do have to RSVP though.

Next weekend I am traveling back home to Long Island to celebrate Christmas with my family.  It’s always my favorite week of the year!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 9th, 2019

I have about 45 gifts to buy and I think I have only checked 3 people off my list.  EEEEK!!!  I didn’t even get around to compiling a gift list this year because I have been editing my book up until today and it is finally off my desk.    Phew!  I am so proud of it and I cannot wait to share it with you.  The publication date is April 21st, 2020!!  The book is called Quicker Than Quick and the theme is (obviously) faster recipes.  I know, it’s what everybody wants!!  You can pre-order it here on amazon.

I just filmed my December online class today and will be editing it this weekend and uploading it next week.  Sooo much good information in this class!  If you are already a subscriber, you will be able to maintain your status at the $17/month.  For anyone thinking about joining, you can lock in your subscription at $17/month (basically less than lunch at Veggie Grill) before the price goes up in January 2020!  Click here for more information.  I will be adding more value to the classes by way of a sheet of resources at the end of the monthly recipe packet.  I am also in the process of streamling the website to make it easier to access the class videos.  It’s all very exciting!!

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of December 2nd, 2019

And just like that, Thanksgiving is over and it’s December.  Sigh.  We still have the girls home through Sunday, so I’ve been a little quiet on social media so I can soak in every minute of time we have as a complete family.  It’s really what I cherish most about the holidays.  I do love planning and cooking for Thanksgiving, but it all takes a back seat to being together.  Sounds corny and trite, but it’s true for me.  I need a little more downtime before I start holiday shopping.  Yikes!  I came up with a mostly plant-based dinner planner for this week.  Always remember that it is easy to swap in plant foods for animal products, and vice versa if that’s your eating style.  Feel free to leave me questions at the bottom if you need suggestions.  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of November 25th, 2019

I’m so excited!  I just finished teaching my last class and I am not even sick of Thanksgiving food!  My daughters are coming home soon and we are all going to be together cooking, talking, playing games, eating, what could be better? I am keeping the dinners easy this week because I never have enough time in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving to freeze casseroles for dinners this week.  I will popping on Instagram to do some lives in the days preceding Thanksgiving.  Keep your eye out on my stories for announcements.  I typically jump on in the morning or evening.

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading