My New Book is Here!

















It is with much anticipation, excitement, and pride that I can finally announce that my new book, Kitchen Matters, has arrived!!!  In my last post, I compared writing a book to having a baby.  But in reality, this book was brewing for longer than a baby and this book was not for me, but for all of you!  I absolutely love teaching cooking classes and I wish I could see all of you in the kitchen.  Since that is not entirely possible, I wrote this book instead!

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Menu Ideas for Passover 2017

With Passover and Easter coming up fast, many of my students have been asking me after class what they should make for the holidays and the timing of it all.  Timing, timing, timing!!  It seems to be the reason for so much anxiety and I completely understand why.  Timing is everything! For those of you celebrating Easter, I just cooked a beautiful Easter brunch with Jenni Kayne and she will post that menu on her blog around April 10th.

This is my second time doing Passover, but I have plenty of experience preparing Thanksgiving and multiple other holidays and dinner parties, so Passover shouldn’t be any different.  My husband’s family is traditional and likes to observe two nights, which means two dinners back-to-back.  Two years ago, I did both nights, which was great, but it took A LOT of organization.  This year, I’m doing the first night and my sister-in-law is doing the second night.  So here is the menu that I am doing with the corresponding timeline.  If I have a recipe posted, I have linked to it.  If there’s no link, I’m winging it or I just haven’t posted it.

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Holiday Gift Guide 2016

holiday gift guide

It’s that time of year!  You know how I feel about giving gifts.  Whereas I know most people to whom I give gifts basically have everything they need, it is still wonderful to pick out something special and make someone feel loved and appreciated.  The past few years I have also gifted myself something after Thanksgiving and before I start buying for everyone else.  Maybe you noticed my post on Instagram Wednesday.  It’s nice to appreciate yourself, too!

My gift guide is based on chatter I hear in my classes (e.g. “I would love this or that,”) products I love, gifts I am giving or have given, and items that I think would be useful in some of the homes in which I teach.  Don’t read into this if I teach in your kitchen!  These gifts are very food/cooking/home/female-oriented.

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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 1 Week and Counting!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011.

I am going to admit this right off the bat — I am behind on my Thanksgiving planning!   The irony!  I think we’re going to be 31 people this year, including my two daughters who will be home from college.  I am so excited to have all my kids in the kitchen this year prepping and cooking with me.  I had a stroke of genius five years ago, which was to tack my Thanksgiving to-do list on the refrigerator and have everyone sign up for three tasks.  Even my husband helps out!

My last class is today, and then our exchange students (yes, I picked up another one last weekend LOL) go back to South Korea on Saturday morning. So I’ll be getting busy on Sunday when I start making applesauce and cranberry sauce.  I always plan Thanksgiving day down to the last detail because I don’t like forgetting things and a schedule makes me feel more relaxed, which equals more fun for me! But just because Thanksgiving is the star of the show this week doesn’t mean that I can forget about normal life on very other day. So I think about regular meals and activities, too. Here’s what my schedule will look like from Sunday until we eat on Thursday at 4:00 pm (-ish). This shouldn’t make you feel exhausted, but merely show you what you can do ahead for your own Thanksgiving!  The Chalkboard Mag published a really great blogpost this week with tons of tips from lots of food experts (including me!)  I highly recommend giving it a quick read.

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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 2 Weeks and Counting

This post was originally published on November 10, 2011.

Life is unpredictable, but Thanksgiving is not and it is 2 weeks away!  Is the exclamation point there to emphasize panic or joy?  I’m excited!  I’ve been teaching quite a few Thanksgiving-themed classes as of late and I’m feeling spirited.  Don’t let these Thursday posts stress you out.  The whole point is to show you what you can do in advance, not what you must do in advance.  All these tips and strategies are most relevant to the hosts and hostesses who are preparing most or all of the meal themselves and who have a busy schedule leading up to the holiday.  If I didn’t get a lot of these tasks completed early, I don’t see how I could pull off this meal without tons of stress.

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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 3 Weeks and Counting!


thanksgiving decor ideas | pamela salzman

This post has been edited from the one originally published on Thursday, November 3, 2011.

If you followed the advice in my post last Thursday, perhaps you now have a general idea of how many guests you will be hosting on Thanksgiving.  If not, it’s time to get on the phone and do some inviting!  Do you have a good, balanced menu and have you taken guests up on their offers to bring something?   This week we have a few more tasks that we can check off the list.

3 weeks before thanksgiving

  • Order the Turkey  If you eat turkey on Thanksgiving, it’s a good idea to order it now.  I have always ordered a fresh, free-range, organic turkey, because in my opinion it has a tasty turkey flavor and is higher quality than most other alternatives.  The only thing that may be better is a heritage turkey, which has a much stronger turkey flavor and supposed to be more moist.  It will have less breast meat though and will be more expensive.  If you want a heritage bird, you need to order this ASAP since they sell out fast.  Avoid “self-basting” turkeys which are injected with anything from chicken fat to salt to chemicals.  True, they are easier to cook, but I think they taste more like salt than turkey and they are just full of stuff you don’t want to feed your family.

Here are some questions that will help you decide what size to order:

How many ovens do you have?  If you have one large oven that can accommodate two turkeys side by side and an extra oven to spare (you’re so lucky!), then you have the option of cooking two smaller birds versus one large one.  But with two small ovens, you may not want them both being monopolized by turkeys.

Are your guests dark meat-eaters or white meat-eaters?  You will get more white meat by weight from one large bird than from two smaller.  Likewise, you will get more dark meat from two smaller birds than from one large one.

How big a turkey should you buy?  The rule of thumb is one pound of turkey per person.  So if you are expecting 16 guests, you should order a 16 pound turkey.  That doesn’t mean that you will have 1 pound of meat per person, though.  Personally, I think this is only a good rule if you don’t want leftovers, if your guests are not big eaters, and/or you have a good number of dark meat eaters versus all-white meat eaters.   Two years ago I cooked two 17-pound turkeys for 20 adults and 5 kids and I had just enough leftovers for the five of us for dinner the next day.  Last year I cooked two 18-pound turkeys for 24 adults and 5 kids and we had the same amount of leftovers.   My point is that I think 1 1/4 pounds per person is a safer bet.

Do you have a bad back?  What does this have to do with anything?  A very large turkey is mighty challenging to keep pulling out of the oven to baste.  I find two smaller turkeys much more manageable, if you have the oven space.


  • Planning Your Table Decor  I don’t do anything fancy for my table decorations, but it’s nice to make the table look special.  Now’s the time to check your linens for stains and make sure you have enough napkins, plates and glassware.  I generally like to do something simple with fresh flowers in autumnal colors and add in a few of the kids’ Thanksgiving art projects from years past.   The top image is a collection of pins from my Thanksgiving Pinterest board.  I just adore Jenni Kayne’s table setting which is the largest image at the top of the post and below.  Check out all her lovely holiday photos and ideas on her Rip & Tan blog — beautiful!  But you can put out bowls of apples and pears or gourds and nuts, add in a few votive candles and it will look lovely.  If tablescape isn’t your thing, you can always order from your local florist or full service market.  Just get on it this week.  The succulents glued onto pumpkin arrangements last quite a while, so why not order them now to enjoy through Thanksgiving  and not have to worry about doing it in two weeks.  Last year, I needed a change from the succulents and pumpkins and I went to Trader Joe’s and bought lots of hydrangeas, roses, and snap dragons and ornamental kale from Whole Foods and I made the arrangements below with some leftover burlap I had.  Rustic, pretty, easy and very affordable.

succulents in pumpkins via Screen Shot 2013-11-06 at 3.57.35 PM

succulents in pumpkins via  DIY Thanksgiving table decor | pamela salzman


  • Make your pie crusts and freeze them  You can freeze them in disc form or roll them out, fit them into pie plates and freeze them, well wrapped.
  • Make your homemade stock and freeze it  I use over a gallon of chicken stock on Thanksgiving for soup, stuffing and gravy.

  • Make your dry mixes for pie fillings, cornbread and other baked goods.  Not only are there never enough ovens on Thanksgiving day, but there are never enough measuring cups and spoons either.  I measure out the dry ingredients, store them in a glass jar and label each jar, e.g. “Dry Mix for 2 Pumpkin Pies.”  I didn’t label them the first year I did this and let me tell you — pumpkin pie spices smell A LOT like apple pie spices.
  • Check your inventory of helpful tools and appliances  Here’s my list of Thanksgiving essentials:
  1. Instant-read thermometer — the only way to know if your turkey is ready.
  2. Roasting pan(s) and rack(s)
  3. Fat separator
  4. Twine for trussing
  5. Baster
  6. Potato Ricer — for making the best mashed potatoes (recipe coming soon)
Lots of options!
More recipes to come, but look here for my Thanksgiving recipes.  And also check out my Pinterest boards for more recipes and table decor ideas.  Last but not least, I’ll be sharing lots of tips every day on Instagram so be sure to follow me there!

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 4 Weeks and Counting!

This post has been edited from the original, which was published on October 27, 2011.

Can you believe what today is?  It is the beginning of the countdown!!  Thanksgiving is 4 weeks from today!  No need to panic, friends.  We’re going to have some fun over the next month!  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the traditions, the food, the Macy’s parade on television while I am making my pies, the football games. I love moving the family room furniture after the last football game is over to extend the dining room table. I love hearing everyone share why he or she is grateful. I have cooked every Thanksgiving for the last 20 years, as well as dozens of Thanksgiving-themed cooking classes. I have made lots of mistakes and in the process learned a thing or two about how to execute and enjoy a very happy Thanksgiving. The key is being organized. Every Thursday from today until the big day, I will share my best tips, strategies and a few good recipes to set you up for a successful holiday. Let’s get started!

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Five Friday Favorites- 8.19.16

pamela salzman's friday favorites

Hi y’all!!  Greetings from Dallas!  I am still here moving the girls in.  One down, one to go, and eating lots of good stuff in between.   Check out Instagram or Facebook to follow along.  I have some goodies I wanted to share with you today in my latest Five Friday Favorites!

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