Holiday Gift Guide 2017

You know what they say, ” ’tis better to give than to receive.”  That said, even though I try to put some thought into my gift giving, I get a little overwhelmed at this time of year.  I appreciate a good gift guide and since you might too, I want to share a few favorites.  These are random, mostly geared towards females or things that have caught my eye and that I am gifting this year or have in the past.  If buying a gift from a store is not in your budget, consider making some homemade granola, Bliss Balls or Maple-Almond Popcorn from my cookbook.  The old saying, “it’s the thought that counts” still rings true.


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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2017 — 1 Week to Go!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011.

It’s always hard to accomplish your Thanksgiving tasks when you don’t know how many people you’re having over!  I think I have the final count and we’re only going to be 22 people this year, including my two daughters who will be home from college.  I am so excited to have all my kids in the kitchen this year prepping and cooking with me.  I had a stroke of genius six years ago, which was to tack my Thanksgiving to-do list on the refrigerator and have everyone sign up for three tasks.  Even my husband helps out!

My last class is today, but I have a few fun things to keep my busy until Thanksgiving.  Today at 2:30 pm PST/5:30 pm EST, I will be making a green bean casserole on Town & Country’s Facebook Live.  Please join me!  Friday, my friend John from the Preppy Kitchen and I will do a Facebook Live together around 10:00 am PST.  Then I am working on a special project with a great company and shooting some videos for them, so lots to do!  I’ll be getting busy on Sunday when I start making applesauce and cranberry sauce.  I always plan Thanksgiving day down to the last detail because I don’t like forgetting things and a schedule makes me feel more relaxed, which equals more fun for me! But just because Thanksgiving is the star of the show this week doesn’t mean that I can forget about normal life on very other day. So I think about regular meals and activities, too. Here’s what my schedule will look like from Sunday until we eat on Thursday at 4:00 pm (-ish). This shouldn’t make you feel exhausted, but merely show you what you can do ahead for your own Thanksgiving!  The Chalkboard Mag published a really great blogpost last year with tons of tips from lots of food experts (including me!)  I highly recommend giving it a quick read.

My Thanksgiving ebook is now available!  This PDF contains all my Thanksgiving recipes, tips and tricks, in one document!  You will have everything you need to plan and execute your best Thanksgiving ever.  Click here to access the Thanksgiving ebook.

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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2017 – 2 Weeks and Counting!

This post was originally published on November 10, 2011.

Life is unpredictable, but Thanksgiving is not and it is 2 weeks away!  Is the exclamation point there to emphasize panic or joy?  I’m excited!  I’ve been teaching quite a few Thanksgiving-themed classes as of late and I’m feeling spirited.  Don’t let these Thursday posts stress you out.  The whole point is to show you what you can do in advance, not what you must do in advance.  All these tips and strategies are most relevant to the hosts and hostesses who are preparing most or all of the meal themselves and who have a busy schedule leading up to the holiday.  If I didn’t get a lot of these tasks completed early, I don’t see how I could pull off this meal without tons of stress.

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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2017– 3 Weeks and Counting!

thanksgiving decor ideas | pamela salzman

This post has been edited from the one originally published on Thursday, November 3, 2011.

If you followed the advice in my post last Thursday, perhaps you now have a general idea of how many guests you will be hosting on Thanksgiving. If not, it’s time to get on the phone and do some inviting! Do you have a good, balanced menu and have you taken guests up on their offers to bring something? This week we have a few more tasks that we can check off the list.

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Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2017 – 4 weeks and counting

This post has been edited from the original, which was published on October 27, 2011.

Can you believe what today is?  It is the beginning of the countdown!!  Thanksgiving is 4 weeks from today!  No need to panic, friends.  We’re going to have some fun over the next month!  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the traditions, the food, the Macy’s parade on television while I am making my pies, the football games. I love moving the family room furniture after the last football game is over to extend the dining room table. I love hearing everyone share why he or she is grateful. I have cooked every Thanksgiving for the last 22 years, as well as almost 100 Thanksgiving-themed cooking classes. I have made lots of mistakes and in the process learned a thing or two about how to execute and enjoy a very happy Thanksgiving. The key is being organized. Every Thursday from today until the big day, I will share my best tips, strategies and a few good recipes to set you up for a successful holiday. I am going to try to do a Facebook Live about planning Thanksgiving on Friday at 2:30 pm PST/5:30 pm PST!

Let’s get started!

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Adaptogens 101

Every time I add a little ashwaganda to my (almond milk) reishi latte on Instagram, many people write to me asking me what it is, why do I like it, and other great questions.  A few of my students suggested that I write a blogpost about this class of herbs called adaptogens.  Good idea!

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Sign Up for my Online Course on Batch Cooking!

I have some exciting news!  I have always wanted to take my cooking instruction online since I am so limited as to how many people I can teach in person on a daily basis. So I am thrilled to have partnered with Clean Eating Magazine and Vegetarian Times to offer a 7 week (6 week for Vegetarian Times followers) course on BATCH COOKING which starts on September 11th!

You don’t need to spend more time in the kitchen to create a satisfying dinner—you just need to cook smarter. In my new Clean Eating Academy course, I am going to teach you how to easily prepare an entire week of meals in a single day.  This is a life-changing series of classes that will teach you innovative make-ahead recipes with in-depth lessons on planning and cooking. It’s batch cooking at its best, and it’s going to revolutionize the way you cook forever.

You all know how I rely on being organized for the week ahead with respect to planning out my meals and doing a little meal prep.  It’s only way I would be able to feed my family without stress!  In this course I am sharing all my tried and true secrets!  Here’s a peek at the course syllabus:

Batch Cooking 101: Cook Once, Eat Clean All Week 

Week 1: Kitchen Basics and Food Storage/Equipment set-up/Must-have appliances and tools 

  • How to maximize your refrigerator
  • Planning meals for the week
  • How to be impeccably organized
  • Preserving nutrients when prepping food ahead
  • How to shop and eat in season
  • Avoiding food waste
  • Planning your Sunday around food prep Stocking your pantry with clean-eating essentials
  • Stocking your pantry with clean-eating essentials

 Week 2: Planning Ahead 101

  • To-do action plan after grocery shopping
  • Produce storage tips
  • The pros and cons of pre-cut grocery store produce

Week 3:  Make-Ahead Staples to Have on Hand

  • Pamela’s batch cooking favorites
  • Make-ahead building block foods:
    • Cauli-rice
    • Almond milk and other nut milks
    • Blanched, steamed, sautéed and roasted veggies
    • Salad dressings and sauces
    • Beans and lentils
    • Grains and quinoa

Week 4:  Sauces, Dressings, Marinades and Rubs to Use on Everything

  • The blueprint for perfect dressing
  • Multiuse salad dressings
  • Mastering mason jar dressings
  • Pesto, 5 Ways
  • Multipurpose sauces and seasonings
  • Vegan cheese sauces
  • Spice rubs and marinades

Week 5: Become Friends with Your Freezer/What can and can’t be frozen 

  • The art of timing and temperature when defrosting
  • How to freeze liquids versus non-liquids
  • Approved containers for freezing, including glass, plastic, zip-top bags and ice cube tray

Week 6:  Getting Creative: Tackling Tough Ingredients and Mastering Shortcut Recipe

  • How to slice and prep fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, fresh pineapple, winter squashes and kale.
  • Kitchen hacks for onion and leek prep.
  • Customizable quick and easy recipes to minimize food waste and clean out your fridge including not-fried rice, pastas, soups and frittatas.

Week 7: Proteins, Explained: Poultry, Meat and Fish (for Clean Eating signups, not Vegetarian Times)

  • How to select top-quality proteins
  • How to refrigerate and freeze proteins for freshness and food safety
  • Best cooking techniques for batch cooking poultry, meat and fish including searing, roasting, braising, stewing and more

The course includes over 30 never before published recipes!

I’ll also have some time for Q&A’s during the course and be on the look-out for a few Facebook Lives coming up if you have any questions before the course starts.  Right now, Clean Eating has an early bird discount if you sign up soon!

Click here for the 7-week Clean Eating version.

Click here for the 6-week Vegetarian Times version.

Don’t hesitate to check out the FAQ’s or leave any questions here. I hope you’ll join me in September!