Dinner Planner – Week of May 25, 2020

Memorial Day usually brings to light the men and women who have died serving our country and protecting our freedom.  This year, I also want to honor those who have been on a different type of front lines.  All the essential workers who have lost their lives due to this epidemic are in my thoughts this Memorial Day as well.

Some of you may be socializing for the first time in a while, so I am posting this dinner planner a bit earlier than usual.  Are you guys seeing friends yet?  We actually saw friends this week on two different occasions this week and felt pretty comfortable with how we handled it.  We are all trying to figure out how to transition into our new lifestyle.  A few things we did was ask our friends to remove their shoes before they entered the house; wash their hands after entering; keep a 6-ft-ish distance between us; and wash hands again before dinner.  That’s about the best we could do and it felt just fine!  I think socializing outdoors is best and keeping it to a few people rather than a big group.  But I think everyone will figure out what works for them and their circle of family and friends.   Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Blackened Wild Salmon Tacos Recipe

Photography by Carolina Korman

Most people think of produce having seasons, which it does.  But wild salmon has a season too, and it just started!!!  I do buy frozen wild salmon in the “off-season,” but I prefer it fresh.  So from now until late summer/early fall, I will be indulging once a week at minimum in my favorite fish.  Now to get more specific, I am most fond of Copper River Salmon, a variety of wild salmon that is even more flavorful, more luxurious, and more rich than regular wild salmon.  Copper River Salmon has a shorter season of about 3 weeks, and it is just getting going.Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 18th, 2020

This week I recorded  IG Live Quarantine Cooking episode number 60.  60!! Oh people.  Even though our beaches and hiking trails have opened, the state of California has still recommended sheltering in place for the next three months.  Honestly, if everyone would wear a mask and gloves when s/he is out in public, I would be totally confident going out.  But this is not the case, so I have a feeling I’ll be hanging in my kitchen for the forseeable future.  I have plenty to keep me busy with my online classes, cooking bootcamps, daily IG lives, this website and my social media channels!  Oh, and then there’s my new book! I want to continue to help you find your rhythm in the kitchen and cook in a way that supports good health.  One of the best ways is planning your meals.  I am still doing that and I highly encourage this practice because most of us are grocery shopping once a week, so it is really helpful to plan, plan, plan!!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Egg-less Spring Vegetable Frittata Recipe

Photography by Carolina Korman

One of the most common substitutions I am asked about is eggs.  Many people are plant-based/vegan; others are avoiding eggs because their doctors told them to; and eggs are one of the most common food allergens.  When I offer a sub for eggs, I consider how the eggs are used in a recipe.  Are they binding a batter together?  Are they adding lift?  Are they the bulk of a dish, like a scramble or a frittata?Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 11, 2020

I am hoping you are all doing as well as can be expected right now.  I am loving being with all of my kids, but I miss seeing my friends.  I love sitting down to 3 meals a day with my family, but I miss going out.  I miss teaching my students in person, but the way my online community has come together makes me proud and happy every day.  I am so grateful we have all found each other!

Round 2 of the Healthy Cooking Made Quick & Easy Bootcamp is now open for sign ups.  I never imagined how much I would have enjoyed teaching this 4-week online course.  It exceeded my expectations in terms of the positive feedback I received and the progress that this first group made.  They enjoyed it so much that they asked me to teach another Bootcamp with them!  You can click here to learn more about this course, which starts this Thursday.  I am offering a $50 off early bird sign up discount with the code QUICK50.

Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm about my new book, Quicker Than Quick!  I am thrilled you are loving it as much as you are!!  Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Orange Juice Sherbet Recipe


This post is sponsored by the Florida Department of Citrus. All opinions are my own.


I am not normally organized enough to coordinate my recipe posts with national food days, but when I saw it was National OJ Day on May 4th, I knew it was time to share my favorite OJ recipe!  Someone asked me on Instagram Live the other day what my favorite guilty pleasure is and it’s definitely ice cream and frozen desserts.  I certainly have my favorite flavors, but I would take a good quality ice cream over a chocolate chip cookie any day.Continue reading

Dinner Planner – Week of May 4th, 2020

Well, we’re still here, in quarantine and it’s May.  Who would have thought? My son’s school just announced today that they will continue with distance learning through the end of the school year.  I never would have predicted that back in early March.  Wow.

If you want something to look forward to, Cinco de Mayo is on Tuesday, Mother’s Day is next Sunday, and it’s hubs’s birthday on Friday ;).  Maybe next Friday we should do a birthday IG live to keep things fun and upbeat?!  What do you think??

Here’s your dinner planner for the week:Continue reading

Avocado Chocolate Pudding Recipe

I made this avocado chocolate pudding on Instagram Live today and it took me 4 minutes to make.  Thank goodness all of you showed up and had a lot to chat about, otherwise it would have been the quickest IG live ever!  I joked that I should have included this recipe in “Quicker Than Quick“!Continue reading