Avocado, jicama and mango salad recipe

Mexico is close to Southern California, right?  They share a border for goodness sake.  Dare I say Mexico is almost local?  Well, this is convincing I do with myself during April and May.  Why? Because it’s mango season in Mexico and I am MAD for mangos.  Yes, we grow mangos in Southern California, but the […]

Mexican Black Beans | Pamela Salzman

Mexican black beans from scratch recipe

When I am coming up with a menu for entertaining mixed company, e.g. kids and adults or carnivores and vegans, I steer most often towards Mexican food.  It is always a crowd pleaser, easy to prepare and I can very often employ a topping bar of sorts.  It is no surprise to me that my […]

Asparagus salad with feta, walnuts and mint vinaigrette recipe

  A great salad is part perfectly fresh and delicious ingredients and part winner dressing.  And the simpler the better.  But salad monogamy is not something I believe in.  There shouldn’t be exclusivity with salad combinations and dressings.  A good vinaigrette should be able to play the field.  And let me tell you, the mint […]

Swiss chard frittata recipe

The conversation went like this:  Daughter #1, “I don’t like eggs.” Me, “Did you change your name to Sam-I-Am?  You do like eggs.” Daughter #1, “You’re not funny.  No, I don’t.”  Me, “You like frittatas, so you like eggs.” Daughter #1, “That’s different.” Really?  Frittatas are basically baked omelets, usually with some vegetables and/or cheese […]

What to buy organic

My sisters and I always freaked out when we picked vegetables from the garden that came with uninvited guests.  If we saw a little green worm squirming while rinsing a head of broccoli, we would let out a scream.  My father couldn’t understand it.  “It’s either that or I use pesticides.  Why would you want […]