Quinoa Tabbouleh Recipe

Father’s Day is this Sunday and we are getting ready to celebrate the man of the house.  I have already begun planning my menu, which no doubt will involve some grilling since we all know that’s a man’s favorite thing to do.  If my husband had his way, the meal would consist of cheeseburgers, hot […]

Tasty turkey burgers

Let’s play a little word association game!  When I say “turkey burger,” you say …?  I think I heard “bland,” “dry,” “flavorless,” “pointless.”  You know what I say?  “No thank you!”  Until now. I have never been a big meat-eater, even though I think there’s a place for high-quality grass-fed beef in one’s diet if […]

Kale chips

My favorite line from “Modern Family” this season was when Mitchell returns from the farmer’s market and declares, “Did you hear?  Kale is the new spinach?!”  Damn right, it is.  Even though kale seems to be the new “it” vegetable, I meet lots of people in my classes who are still intimidated by this highly […]

Sex and grilling

I’m glad you stopped by.  I think it’s time we had a little chat about something.  I notice you’ve been cooking and experimenting in the kitchen more, which is great.  It is so normal for you to be exploring and I am here to support you no matter what.  But there’s a lot of information […]

Cinnamon “nachos” with fresh fruit salsa recipe

It was tense around here on Super Bowl Sunday as my husband’s Steelers were getting walloped by the Packers.  Nevermind that I had just laid out a fresh batch of baked chips and guacamole, no one was really hungry…except me, of course.  As everyone watched in agony as the Packers’ Nick Collins returned an interception […]