Dinner Planner – Week of May 6th, 2019

I was so out of it when I was creating last week’s dinner planner, that Cinco de Mayo was not on my radar for this Sunday.  Whoops!  As you know, I have soooo many delicious and healthy-ish Mexican recipes, from red and green enchiladas, to this chopped salad and this Mexican Cobb, and Caldo Tlalpeno soup, […]

Dinner planner - Week of May 21st 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of May 21st 2018

I am in Dallas as you read this, so forgive me if I’m not quite as present on Instagram as usual.  It’s not every day that my daughter graduates from college!  My husband and I are beaming with pride as we celebrate her and her achievement with our extended family.  I’ll be back soon, but […]

Dinner Planner - Week of May 7th 2018 | Pamela Salzman

Dinner Planner – Week of May 7th 2018

I had a great day in Minneapolis on Thursday speaking about health and wellness at the Beauty Counter Leadership Summit and then an equally wonderful time Friday speaking at the Galveston Chamber of Commerce annual women’s conference.  Of course, it’s always nice to be home and after speaking nonstop about the importance of cooking from […]

Grain-Free Lemon Poppyseed Muffins | Pamela Salzman

Grain-Free Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins Recipe

Don’t worry, I have not suddenly gone paleo and eliminated all of the grains from my diet.  I am Italian, after all.  However, I have recently really developed an affinity for grain-free baking!  And not because I have issues with grains, but because a muffin made with almond flour and coconut flour is so much […]

Dinner Planner: Week of July 2nd, 2017

What a week I had!  Thank you to Seattle and Portland for showing me a great time.  I loved visiting both cities, doing TV segments, meeting people at Book Larder and Bob’s Red Mill.  I will definitely be back!  In the meantime, I will be keeping it pretty mellow this week to get back on […]