Grain-Free Blueberry Scones Recipe

I am neither gluten-free nor grain-free, but I like diversity in my diet and I also find that almond flour-based baked goods have a bit more protein and spike my blood sugar less. If I eat traditional grain flour baked goods in the morning, especially on an empty stomach, I tend to feel super tired […]

Peach-Blueberry Buckle Recipe

A buckle is basically a coffee cake with way more fruit than you’d put in an actual cake. Sometimes you’ll see recipes for fruit buckles with a serious crumble topping plus a glaze. But you know my style for desserts is to keep the sugar at a minimum and not go overboard. I am crazy […]

Crackle Top Blueberry Cobbler Recipe

This crackle top blueberry cobbler was my go-to summer dessert in 2020 and because I didn’t entertain as much last year (ahem #quarantine), it is my go-to summer dessert in 2021!  Fruit cobblers and crisps are nothing new, but when you serve them, everyone’s face lights up.  Dare I say they will always be in […]

Blueberry-Lemon Olive Oil Quick Bread with Corn Streusel Recipe

    Who is ready for a bread that is not made from bananas??? Weird how certain recipes trend, don’t you think? During the quarantine, it seemed as though banana bread, sourdough, and more complicated recipes, like babka, were everywhere.  I for one, saw the writing on the wall with all the dessert baking:  it’s […]

Blueberry Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

  I think there might be more than a billion cookie recipes out there.  Perhaps that is a slight exaggeration, but there are more cookie recipes than you and I can make in our lifetimes.  So thinking about the fact that there are zillions of cookie recipes at our fingertips, how come oatmeal cookies and […]