Dinner Planner — Week of May 29, 2017

                                Happy Memorial Day weekend, friends.  I always feel very pensive on Memorial Day more than other holidays.  I am so thankful to live in a free country, one that values women’s rights and free speech, among many other things. […]

Dinner Planner: Week of May 8th, 2017

I just started a new menu in my cooking classes this past week!  We’re doing a breakfast/brunch menu and it was absolutely delish.  I often post images from my classes on my Instagram stories, although sometimes my students eat everything before I have the chance!  This week is another busy week of teaching, working on […]

Dinner Planner: Week of April 10th

I am knee-deep in shredded coconut and almond flour, preparing for Passover!  My mom is visiting for a few days and we’re having a great time, squeezing in some shopping, ladies’ lunches and museums in between cooking.  If you don’t observe Passover, you can look at the menus anyway and see if there’s something you […]

Five Friday Favorites – Expo West 2017

Sorry it has taken me so long to post my highlights of Natural Products Expo West.  There’s so much to report, I still haven’t gotten it all in there.  Although I only went for one day, I saw so much and it was honestly overwhelming! Expo West is a huge, and I mean HUGE, natural products trade […]

Strawberry Jam Spelt Flaxseed Muffins with Hemp Seeds | Pamela Salzman

Strawberry Jam Spelt Flaxseed Muffins

March, April, May, June, Blink, September.  Am I right???  It’s ridiculous!  And just like that, everyone is frantic getting organized for back to school.  Backpacks, haircuts, sneakers, lunch boxes, school supplies and of course, proper meals.  My son’s school has not started yet, so we have a little more time.  But in anticipation of school […]