Dinner Planner – Week of November 9th, 2020

Thanksgiving is less than 3 weeks away and my family and I are super excited!  We needed something to be super excited about!!  It’s going to be the smallest Thanksgiving we have ever had, but I am doing it up anyway – a whole turkey, all the fixings, 3 pies and homemade ice cream.  Yes, […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 27th, 2020

I know it’s hot everywhere in the country except where I live and I am wearing a sweatshirt to go on my walks in the morning and my down vest to take the dog out at night.  We never use our air conditioning but we do light the fireplace if we sit outside after the […]

Dinner Planner – Week of August 19th, 2019

My week at The Golden Door is coming to a close.  I enjoy this week so much but it’s what I take home with me that is the most valuable.  Self care is very important and you don’t need to go to a special place to do it.  We need to be more compassionate with […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 15th, 2019

Hello from Portugal!  Hubs and I are taking a little vacay to celebrate this year’s big birthday (his was in May, mine is in October.)  We are already having the best time!  My older daughter will join us next week and then a few days after she meets us, we will go pick up Mr. […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 6th, 2018

I have already cooked 4 turkeys this week and I am cooking 5-6 next week and 4-5 the week after – and that’s all before my own Thanksgiving holiday!  I have a lot of experience cooking turkeys and Thanksgiving recipes, in general.  If I am an expert in one thing, it’s pulling off a delicious […]