Dinner Planner – Week of September 2nd, 2019

Happy Labor Day Weekend!  I hope this weekend will be an easy transition to fall.  I will be back to making early morning breakfasts, school lunches and trying to keep everyone’s immune systems strong (we’ll start popping Wellness Formula daily.)  I also get back to teaching regular classes next week.  My online classes are not […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 29th, 2019

I arrived on Long Island the other day and made my way out to my parents’ house for a week with my sisters and their kids.  I just love Long Island in the summer.  The West Coast is great, but there’s nothing like East Coast summer.  I am a little jet lagged still despite assuming the […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 15th, 2019

Hello from Portugal!  Hubs and I are taking a little vacay to celebrate this year’s big birthday (his was in May, mine is in October.)  We are already having the best time!  My older daughter will join us next week and then a few days after she meets us, we will go pick up Mr. […]

Dinner Planner – Week of May 6th, 2019

I was so out of it when I was creating last week’s dinner planner, that Cinco de Mayo was not on my radar for this Sunday.  Whoops!  As you know, I have soooo many delicious and healthy-ish Mexican recipes, from red and green enchiladas, to this chopped salad and this Mexican Cobb, and Caldo Tlalpeno soup, […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 29th, 2019

Ok, this is it.  Manuscript is due this week and then regular programming will resume.  I’ll start filming YouTube videos, grocery store stories, Friday Favorites, etc. Not all at once, but I’ll get back on track!  Writing a book and work full time is no joke OMG!  In the meantime, here’s your dinner planner for […]