Dinner Planner – Week of April 8th, 2019

I took a Spring Break from the blog this week.  I traveled to Dallas to see my babies and then to the east coast to see my parents and sisters.  I am feverishly working on finishing my book.  (Although if my editor is reading this, JK!  I’m almost done!) So something had to give.  My […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 1st, 2019

I’m on Spring Break this week!  My husband, son and I are visiting the girls in Dallas this weekend.  I always teach a private class at my good friend Lisa’s house while I am in town, as well.  And then my son and I will go East to see my family for a few days. […]

Spiced Chickpea Stew with Coconut and Turmeric

    This stew was an innocent dinner last week.  I saw my friend Leanne post a photo of this stew on her Instagram feed and it looked delicious, vegan, flavorful, easy, everything I like and the way my family eats.  She mentioned she found the recipe in the NY Times.  Well, what she didn’t […]

Dinner Planner – Week of March 4th, 2019

This week starts the beginning of Lent which means I will try to remember to include a fish or vegetarian meal on Fridays.  My mom used to ask us kids to give up one thing during Lent and we would always to try to be sneaky and pick things we didn’t care about, like milk […]

Sugar Snap Pea and Quinoa Salad with Tofu

    I saw sugar snap peas at the farmers market for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I immediately bought them without thinking twice.  I am crazy for these crunchy, sweet pods and I often snack on them plain or dip them into hummus or a basic vinaigrette.  The season for […]