Polenta Crostini with Sautéed Spinach and Capers Recipe

It’s party season and I am always looking for fun, healthy eats to serve.  My favorite hors d’oeuvres are those that a just mini versions of foods I love, like these mini chicken tostadas, or these broccoli-potatoes, or my fave Brussels sprout sliders.  But sometimes making lots of bite-size foods can be time-consuming, especially if they […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 19th

Aloha!  I’m on a little getaway with my husband and the three kiddos in Hawaii for most of this week.  This means I won’t be cooking a thing until I arrive at my parents’ house next weekend, but you might be.  So I am posting a meal plan for you to help keep you organized […]

Dinner Planner- Week of December 5th

I know it’s super cliche if I say “I can’t believe it’s December already!”  But, I mean seriously.  Here’s my goal the next few weeks: get my holiday shopping done and be really mindful of my eating especially with respect to sugar and fun foods.  There are a lot of parties happening and treats flying around, […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 21st

We had a great experience with our Korean exchange students (I don’t know if I mentioned we picked up another one last Sunday!), but today we said our goodbyes and they went back to their families.  Even though we’ll miss them, the timing is rather perfect since my daughters are coming back from college on […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2016 – 1 Week and Counting!

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011. I am going to admit this right off the bat — I am behind on my Thanksgiving planning!   The irony!  I think we’re going to be 31 people this year, including my two daughters who will be home from college.  […]