Dinner Planner – Week of November 14th

What a week!  In this unpredictable world, food is always there for you, consistent and unifying.  Let’s get cooking! This is a big week for organizing for Thanksgiving and keeping the meals simple.  November is my busiest work month and frankly, I am toast.  So I am really keeping it easy!  Here’s your dinner planner […]

Dinner Planner: Week of October 31st

I will admit, I was a lazy bones about dinner last week.  My husband was out of town the entire week, I had two birthday celebrations and I taught a class one evening.  So, Mr. Picky ate a few leftovers and random dinners like pasta with meat sauce one night.  But yesterday the South Korean […]

Stir-Fried Ginger Beef with Shiitake Mushrooms Recipe

Admittedly, these images aren’t the best, because I took these after the sun set and everyone was rushing me to eat.  “OMG.  Can you puh-leeease take the picture already?  I’m starving!” “Puh-lease yourself.  You just ate 2 hours ago and 4 hours before that.  Fine, I’m almost done.  Can you just get out of my […]

Dinner Planner: Week of October 24th

I had a great 2 days visiting my daughters in Dallas and I was also able to teach a class at my friend Lisa’s house for her and her lovely friends.  So fun!  I’m off to Palm Springs today to meet my husband and Mr. Picky for Modernism Preview Weekend.  It’s just a quickie in PS […]

Five Friday Favorites- 9.2.16

Labor Day weekend is always like pressing a reset button.  The kids are back to school, I am resuming a full teaching schedule, and my eating goes back to normal, balanced meals (as opposed to haphazard grazing zucchini bread and olives and nectarines instead of a proper dinner.)  For those of you who take my […]