Grilled Carrots with Tahini Sauce Recipe

I had written an Instagram post about how I love grilling vegetables of all kinds.  I love a simple grilled veggie platter with or without a sauce or dressing on the side.  I especially love chopped grilled vegetables in a salad like this one.  If grilling is an easy way for you to cook, then […]

Dinner Planner – Week of May 27th, 2019

It’s Memorial Day weekend and I always feel very pensive and grateful during this holiday.  And I always feel a bit sad, too.  I know a lot of us are excited to have an extra day off, but I am taking some time to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice many of our servicemen and women […]

Dinner Planner – Week of May 20th, 2019

Memorial Day weekend is next weekend and I am stunned.  Stunned.  Oh this year is slipping between my fingers.  But the thought of summer being so close is beyond exciting to me!   Someone asked me in my class the other day what is the first step I take when I sit down to make […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 22nd, 2019

Happy Holiday weekend!  I hope you are going to have a relaxing few days.  Perhaps some of you are on spring break.  I am in the home stretch of my manuscript,  still working full-time and I have a television appearance today, sooooo I am only doing desserts for the holiday this year.  My segment on […]

Dinner Planner – Week of April 15th, 2019

It’s a big week if you’re hosting either Easter or Passover next weekend.  My mother always hosts Easter dinner in NY and I have the best memories of coloring eggs, making the traditional Italian pizza rustica and pastiera, hiding eggs, and of course all the candy in my Easter basket.  My husband’s family celebrates Passover and […]