Dinner Planner – Week of August 5, 2019

I just returned to Los Angeles after a magical 3 weeks away.  I was really able to unplug and step away from work the whole time.  Now my inboxes are flooded and I have to get back to reality!  Just as important, I’m excited to be back in my kitchen and returning to my regular […]

Dinner Planner Week of July 8th, 2019

I hope you are in the midst of a fabulous holiday weekend.  I am taking my relaxing very seriously if you must know ;).  My older daughter came home from Dallas and accompanied my husband and me to our friends’ house in Montecito for a few days and other than writing this blog post, I […]

Dinner Planner – Week of July 1st, 2019

I was working on a another post for this week until I received an email from my editor with my manuscript attached.  She passed the baton to me, so to speak, and now it’s my turn to edit.  I need to work on edits pretty hard core in the short term because I am going […]

Dinner Planner – Week of June 24th, 2019

Happy Summer, officially! Today is the day I make lots of lists of things I want to accomplish over the next two months since my cooking class schedule is super light.  Two months from now, I will look back on said list and wonder where the time went and how is it possible that I […]

Dinner Planner – Week of June 3rd, 2019

Sorry for the delay in this week’s dinner planner.  Wordpress was having some glitches, but all is resolved!  I know many schools are out for summer already.  Wow!  My son still has another week and a half, but I told him I am done with making lunches.  Perhaps I am a less than ideal mother […]