Strawberry Jam Spelt Flaxseed Muffins with Hemp Seeds | Pamela Salzman

Strawberry Jam Spelt Flaxseed Muffins

March, April, May, June, Blink, September.  Am I right???  It’s ridiculous!  And just like that, everyone is frantic getting organized for back to school.  Backpacks, haircuts, sneakers, lunch boxes, school supplies and of course, proper meals.  My son’s school has not started yet, so we have a little more time.  But in anticipation of school […]

Really Crunchy Chickpea Trail Mix Recipe

Snacks are tough.  My kids come home from school very hungry and they can eat a lot.  I want to offer them something nutritious obviously, but I don’t have a ton of time to make homemade snacks every day.   Some of my default snacks are hummus with veggies or whole grain crackers, rice cakes with […]

Five Friday Favorites 05.06.16

  Garlic Confit from the Gjelina Cookbook If you saw my last Friday Favorites post, you’re probably not surprised I am posting something from the Gjelina cookbook. I expressed my love for the book a few weeks ago and have delved into it headfirst.  ALthough I have only made a few recipes, I have dogearred […]

Peanut Butter Granola Recipe

I am a nut butter addict.  I would be so skinny if nut butter didn’t exist!  I love them all — almond, cashew, hazelnut, pecan, mixed nuts and my childhood favorite, peanut.  Yes, yes, yes, I know peanuts are not actually nuts, but legumes.  And I know peanuts are less healthy than other nuts and […]

Five Friday Favorites 04.22.16

  Hey y’all!  I’m Dallas this weekend, teaching a class in my friend Lisa’s kitchen today and then hanging out with the SMU DG’s and their moms.  Good times all around!  I just love Dallas.  It’s such a fun city and everyone is so friendly.  I would think I was in LA if it weren’t for everyone […]