Blueberry Oatmeal Souffle Recipe

I am not one of those people who sees a recipe in a magazine and makes it immediately.  I’ll dog-ear it or tear it out and stick it in my “inspiration” pile or wait for someone else to make it just in case it’s not a winner.  So the fact that I saw this oatmeal […]

Five Friday Favorites 12.18.15

Happy holidays, friends!  I thought I would squeeze in another Friday Favorites before Christmas.  I heard this weekend is the busiest shopping time of the year.  For me, it’s one of the busiest baking times of the year!  I have already made 4 batches of granola for all the teachers and sent those off yesterday and […]

Leftover Stuffing and Egg Bake Recipe

Friends, I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and that it was everything you hoped it would be.  I feel very grateful that we had a house full of family and friends, many of which spent the whole day with us watching the parade, football, and popping in and out of the kitchen to chat […]

Planning a Happy Thanksgiving 2015 — 1 week and counting

This post has been edited from the original which was published on November 17, 2011. Is it just me, or have the last few weeks flown by??  I am getting super excited for Thanksgiving.  We have a great group joining us this year, although I am still unsure about how many we’ll be.  The latest count […]

Healthy Green Bean Casserole Recipe

I was talking to a few ladies in my class this week about the Thanksgiving meals we remember from our childhoods and how they have evolved, if at all.  We celebrated with my mother’s family some years and with my father’s family other years.  Even though my mother’s family is Italian-American, their Thanksgiving dinners were […]