Dinner Planner – Week of December 27th, 2021

Merry Christmas, All!  Once again, the holidays are not quite back to normal, but I hope you and your loved ones can still find joy and much for which to be grateful this season.  I am more than thankful I can spend Christmas week with my mom and family and we are still cooking up […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 20, 2021

We are leaving for Long Island in a few days and you know it – cooking for a crowd every day and I HOPE Christmas Eve with my big Italian family!  I will do an IG live, but not Monday.  It will likely be next Wednesday. I crossed the last gift off my list, made […]

Cranberry Balsamic Chicken Recipe

The holidays are upon us!  I vote for festive, seasonal, but uncomplicated cooking please.  I can’t be eating cookies or cheese and crackers all day, every day.  But I am also busier than usual and I don’t have a ton of time to cook up fancy meals. I taught this Cranberry-Balsamic Chicken recipe two years […]

Dinner Planner – Week of December 6, 2021

Thank you all for being patient with me while I update my website.  There are still changes to be made to make it more user-friendly.  I knew that once it was launched, we would still be tweaking it.  Has anyone noticed that everything takes longer to execute/complete than it used to??  Here’s your dinner planner […]

Dinner Planner – Week of November 15th, 2021

Who is in Thanksgiving mode? Me me me!!  I am offering my November class for a 1-time purchase, as opposed to subscribing for a 3-month minimum.  The class video and recipes in the November 2021 class are all new and not even in the 2021 ebook (which has 13 more recipes than 2020.) Check them […]