Five Friday Favorites- 10.02.15

Hello, Friday and hello, October!  It sure does NOT feel like fall around here, except for the overflowing stacks of pumpkins and winter squashes at the market lately.  I decided to get with the spirit and make pumpkin pancakes for breakfast this week.  Delicious, but I would have felt cooler with a smoothie bowl.  Except […]

Five friday favorites 09.18.15

TGIF except when the weekend forecast calls for …more hot weather!  🙁  Let’s play the game called “You Know There’s Still a Heatwave When…” and then we fill in the blanks.  I’ll start!  When….your coconut oil looks like water all the time.  When…you take three showers a day.  When…your dog starts hogging the spot in […]

Five Friday Favorites 07.31.15

Here’s my summer conundrum:  I teach a little less in the summer which gives me more free time, so then I make a huge list of projects and stuff I’ve always wanted to get done (e.g. scan all the kids’ artwork and frame it), but then realize I need a break and cross nothing off […]

Baked zucchini fries recipe

My kids can’t get enough of these zucchini fries and I can’t get enough of hearing them beg me for vegetables!  After I returned home from New York last week, my son, the one and only Mr. Picky, said, “I don’t know what you’re making for dinner this week, but please include zucchini fries!”  Pinch […]

Five Friday Favorites 07.10.15 Foods for a Good Gut

Happy Friday, friends!  Guess what happened to me after I came back from Mexico?  I got sick!  I couldn’t believe it.  My girlfriend did too, and our husbands were spared, thankfully.  I am not going to bore you and gross you out with the very unpleasant details, but suffice it to say my digestive system was compromised for a […]