Snack on this

Snacks can definitely be a part of a good diet and can even help you lose weight, but only if you snack on healthful food.  A snack is really just a mini-meal, something to stave off hunger until your next meal.  Very often I notice that people think of snack time as dessert time, or […]


My husband and I have a division of labor approach to managing our home, kids and life. For example, he is in charge of sports, car issues, and electronics, and I handle meal preparation, communication with teachers and writing the checks (with mostly his money.)  But the last few months I have been much busier […]

Granola recipe

  I started making my own granola when I realized how much money I was spending to buy it at my local natural foods store.  $8 for a little container?  Ouch!  But the price wasn’t the only deterrent.  There’s also the undesirable ingredients you find in many commercially prepared granolas — too much sugar and […]

How to make fresh pumpkin purée recipe

Few things say Fall like the pumpkin, along with all the delicious things that you can make with one.  Every year I stock up on multiples cans of pumpkin puree for muffins, pancakes, oatmeal and, of course, pie.  But this year is different.  After being discouraged by all the BPA in can liners that our […]