Five friday favorites 05.29.15

I often think of the beginning of the school year as bustling, but the last few weeks of school are CRAZY.  I quite honestly can’t keep up with the number of performances, ceremonies, parties and permission slips.  I laughed out loud at this post on Buzzfeed titled “Parents at the Beginning of the School Year […]

Five friday favorites 04.24.15

Yay, it’s the weekend!  I’ve been continuing with my Mexican-inspired classes this month and I’ve also been posting a few recipes on the blog in anticipation of Cinco de Mayo.  In other exciting 😉 news, I finally got around to eating at SQIRL, the more-hip-than-I-am cafe in LA, close to Silver Lake.  It’s quite literally […]

Matcha chia pudding parfait recipe

I promised I would get this recipe to you before St. Patrick’s Day and I have delivered!  I know neither chia pudding nor matcha has any Irish lineage, but I don’t think we need to be limited to corned beef and cabbage on St. Patty’s Day.  Why not just think green all day? I’ve been […]

Five friday favorites 2.27.15

Happy Friday!  I hope you had a great week.  I just completed a really interesting experiment called “Cooking My Kitchen.”  Almost a month ago I was pulling together my list of dinners to make for the upcoming week and the accompanying grocery list to go with it.  But when I looked in my freezer, refrigerator […]

Five friday favorites 2.6.15 — valentine’s edition!

I’m not the kind of girl that needs fancy gifts or over-the-top flowers on Valentine’s Day.  And I would much rather stay home with my husband and kids than be at a crowded restaurant.  None of that says “L-O-V-E” to me, and instead just feels a little contrived.  What I do cherish is a small […]