Five Friday Favorites 1.23.15

My Five Friday Favorites continues!!  Sometimes I’ll mention things in my classes, and when I notice a lot of people writing them down, I know that it’s something I need to share!  Feel free to leave a comment with any of your favorites — I’d love to check them out.  Have a great weekend, my […]

Five Friday Favorites 10.31.14

Happy Halloween!  Remember what I always say about today being the day that sets off our sugar binges for the next few months!  Be mindful.  I have some new favorites I’d like to share with you today.  Enjoy!   oster dura ceramic flip waffle maker I finally found it — the waffle maker I’ve been […]

Vegan apple spice snacking cake recipe (refined sugar-free)

I just took stock of my pantry because baking season has officially begun.  It started slowly with a few batches of cookie dough for back to school lunches.  Then Mr. Picky’s birthday rolled around last week and whoosh it’s Rosh Hashana this Wednesday night already!  I don’t need to tell you what is just around […]