Five Friday Favorites- 6.3.16

Happy Friday, friends!  And happy June!  I just started teaching a new menu this month and it is fab!  I traditionally teach a breakfast menu in June and it has become one of my most popular classes.  I will definitely be posting one or two of those recipes before Father’s Day, so look out for […]

Meal Prepping 101: What You Can Do Ahead

  Thank you for all your feedback on the recent dinner planner posts!  I have had several readers reach out to me asking about prepping ahead techniques, such as what vegetables are okay to prep in advance and what should be done at the last minute.  Even though I try to give prep ahead tips with […]

Brussels Sprout Latkes Recipe

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I learned how to make latkes from an unlikely source — my Puerto Rican mother-in-law, who like me, also did not grow up Jewish.  But let me tell you something.  That woman makes the best latkes I have ever had.  The. Best.  And I’ve had a lot.  They’re […]

Five Friday Favorites 10.09.15

You know what my husband did this week?  He broke down and called an air conditioning company to install air in our house.  I know!  It’s October and it’s supposed to be 90 something at the beach this weekend.   He just couldn’t take it anymore.  Crazy times, people.  Let’s hope it’s up and running […]

Whole Grain and Almond Pulp Apple Quick Bread Recipe

I know not all of you are making your own almond milk and therefore aren’t desperate for almond pulp recipes.  But believe it or not, it’s one of the most common SOS’s I receive in my email inbox.  “More uses for almond pulp, please!”  “I have a freezer full — HELP!”  Believe me, I’m in […]